About ten thousand refugees have died at the American border

Nearly ten thousand refugees and immigrants have died at the American border.

May 17, 2024 - 12:38
About ten thousand refugees have died at the American border

The shared border between the United States and Mexico has faced a serious crisis of deaths in recent years following the strict immigration policies of the United States.

Statistics show that the number of immigrants who died at the American border in 2022 broke the record; whereas in that year, the remains of the bodies of 895 people were discovered on the American side of the border between the country and Mexico. 

Immigrants from Mexico to the United States 

Increasingly the discovery of the remains of the bodies of immigrants, especially in the border of the Texas state of the United States and Mexico, has increased the concern about human rights crises. 

According to the report on the deaths of immigrants at the US border, between 1998 and 2022, more than 9,500 people lost their lives on the US side of the border with Mexico, and experts believe that this number is small compared to actual number of victims. Extreme heat and drowning are among the reasons cited to cause the deaths of migrants.