Tag: Asia

UN Agencies Report: Gaza Faces Worst Food Shortage in t...

A new joint report by five United Nations organizations has revealed that the Ga...

Hamas Leader Denounces U.S. Humanitarian Claims as "Ame...

A senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) has stron...

Oxfam Report Accuses Israeli Regime of Weaponizing Wate...

According to a recent report by the humanitarian organization Oxfam has brought ...

Netanyahu's US Congress Speech Sparks Controversy and P...

The speech of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, in t...

Azerbaijan's attempts to involve Armenia in escalating ...

The RA MFA presents the ministry's spokesperson Ani Badalyan's comment on the st...

Yemen's Ansarullah Leader Condemns Zionist Actions in G...

Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi's statements reflect a deep-seated frustration and ...

Netanyahu Warns: "If Israel Falls, America Will Be Next"

In a stirring address to the U.S. Congress on Wednesday night, Israeli Prime Min...

Widespread Protests Against Netanyahu's Visit to the U....

The increasing global and domestic opposition to Netanyahu's leadership highligh...

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