Air and artillery attacks against the Gaza Strip continue

With the silence of the world and the indifference of international organizations, the Zionist regime continues to bomb residential houses in the Gaza Strip.

Mar 9, 2024 - 14:02
Air and artillery attacks against the Gaza Strip continue
Air and artillery attacks against the Gaza Strip continue

The warplanes of the Zionist regime have targeted several areas around the main hospital in the south of the Gaza Strip. In addition to airstrikes against the Gaza Strip, the homes of Palestinian citizens in this strip have also been repeatedly attacked by Israeli artillery. The soldiers of the Zionist regime attacked this morning various cities of the West Bank and the houses of Palestinians in these areas. This regime's army bulldozers also destroyed the main road of the Norshams camp. After shooting at Palestinians receiving humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip, Zionist soldiers also directly attacked humanitarian aid centers in the West Bank. On the other hand, the fighters of the Al-Aqsa martyrs battalions engaged in fierce clashes with the Zionist elements in the city of Qalqilyeh.

Thousands of Yemenis took to the streets of the city of Saada in support of Gaza and the Palestinian resistance by supporting the operations of the Yemeni forces against the American and British warships.

The marchers' statement emphasized the continuation of popular activities in support of Gaza during the holy month of Ramadan until the war stops and the blockade is lifted. The marchers declared: Ramadan is the month of jihad. We praise the intensification of special operations against the Zionist enemy on all fronts from Yemen to Lebanon and Iraq, in order to support the Palestinian nation and stop its oppression. The marchers warned of the plans of the Zionist regime and the United States and the use of humanitarian aid by the Zionist enemy to destroy the Palestinian nation. Also, the marchers appreciated the humanitarian positions of some heads of state against the barbaric crime of the Zionist regime and the United States of America against the Palestinian nation. The statement of the Saada marchers reads: With the coming of Ramadan, we want to completely boycott American, Israeli products and those of their related companies.