Al-Mayadeen announced an attack on an Israeli ship in the Makran Sea

Lebanese TV channel Al-Mayadeen, citing special sources, reported that the Israeli cargo ship was attacked and caught fire on Thursday evening (November 3) and several hours before the ceasefire began in the Makran Sea, located in the northern Indian Ocean.

Nov 26, 2023 - 13:03
Al-Mayadeen announced an attack on an Israeli ship in the Makran Sea
Al-Mayadeen announced an attack on an Israeli ship in the Makran Sea

This is the first time that an attack on this ship has been reported, and it appears that Israeli sources tried to hide the fact, especially since neither side has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. The attack on the Israeli cargo ship came after news sources reported the disappearance of an Israeli ship in the Red Sea last Sunday (November 28). After this, the Al-Arabiya TV channel reported the news of the disappearance of an Israeli ship called the Galaxy Leader, which carried 22 crew members. Moments after the publication of this report, Al-Mayadeen, citing informed sources, reported that the Yemeni Navy had managed to seize an Israeli ship in the Red Sea. Since the beginning of the Israeli regime's brutal attacks in the Gaza Strip, the resistance front has attacked invaders from all sides, from Iraq to Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Also on Friday, Ziyad al-Nahala, secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas politburo, and Abu Obaida, spokesman for the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, in a joint statement praised the actions of their brothers in Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen in his speeches on the occasion of the start of the 4-day ceasefire. After that, he targeted an Israeli cargo ship in the Makran Sea. The Yemeni Navy announced on Wednesday last week (December 1): “We will continue our military operations against the ships and other interests of the Israeli enemy until the aggression against the Gaza Strip ends and the enemy stops committing crimes against the Palestinian people.” . The Yemeni Navy stressed that if any party wants to protect Israeli ships during an operation by Yemeni forces, it will also be a legitimate target of the Yemeni Navy.