Argentina's Moral Bankruptcy: How Milei Became a Pawn in Israel's Campaign of Extermination in Gaza

Oct 15, 2024 - 14:38
Argentina's Moral Bankruptcy: How Milei Became a Pawn in Israel's Campaign of Extermination in Gaza


Argentina’s political relationship with Israel has undergone many vicissitudes over the decades, influenced by external pressures, domestic dynamics, and Israeli lobbying. Argentina’s 1948 recognition of the illegitimate Israeli regime, the first in Latin America, marked the inception of an ominous relationship that would become entangled in the broader imperialist and Zionist agendas.

This move, made at the expense of the Palestinian nation, laid the groundwork for Argentina’s growing political, economic, and cultural ties with a regime characterized by military aggression, apartheid, and Western-backed subjugation of Palestinian civilians. Argentina’s large Jewish population—the largest in South America, numbering over 230,000—further facilitated this relationship, but it came at a cost to Argentina's political sovereignty.

A major turning point in these relations occurred with the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, where many Argentine Jews were killed. Rather than allowing Argentina to handle the aftermath and investigation, Israel immediately seized upon the tragedy, using it as a tool to pressure the Argentine government. The Israeli regime’s insistence on framing the bombing according to its political interests reveals its willingness to manipulate tragedies abroad to further its own goals. Argentina, under this pressure, found its sovereignty compromised as it was drawn into Israel’s baseless allegations.

In recent years, with shifts in Argentina’s political leadership, the relationship with Israel has once again strengthened—this time alarmingly so. The election of Javier Milei as president marks a dangerous pivot toward uncritical support of Israel and its imperialist ambitions. Milei’s election represents a dramatic departure from Argentina’s traditionally balanced foreign policy and positions the country as a mere servile, a lackey, to Israeli sinister designs.

In fact, his open embrace of the Israeli regime, particularly his promise to move Argentina’s embassy to occupied Bayt ul-Muqaddas [Jerusalem], shows a worrying alignment with both Israel and the United States. This decision aligns Argentina with the illegal annexation of Palestinian territories, ignoring international law and undermining decades of Argentine diplomacy that respected Palestinian rights.

Milei, who has notoriously been labeled 'Argentina's Trump,' has overt pro-Israeli sympathies, which have come into sharp focus with his appointment of Rabbi Axel Wahnish as Argentina’s ambassador to Israel. This decision signals not only a political alignment but also a deep personal connection to the Israeli regime. This appointment occurs even as Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza continues, where over 40,000 Palestinian women and children have been slaughtered in a year-long war.

Rather than condemning these war crimes, Milei’s administration has sought to deepen ties with Israel, revealing a government more concerned with appeasing Israeli and imperialist powers than upholding human rights.

Milei’s first foreign visit following his presidential inauguration was to the occupied Palestinian territories, a move designed to showcase his unwavering support for Israeli war on Gaza. During this visit, he shamelessly condemned "Islamic terrorism," aligning Argentina with Israel’s fabricated narrative that equates Palestinian resistance groups, i.e., Hamas, with terrorism.

Milei’s rhetoric seeks to link Argentina’s historic incidents, such as the AMIA bombing, to Israel’s war against Palestinians, which reflects a troubling ideological shift in Argentina’s stance on the Palestinian issue, one that disregards the legitimate grievances of an oppressed people fighting for their liberty.

While many countries, such as Spain, have recognized the Palestinian state and expressed support for the Palestinian cause, Milei’s regime has taken the opposite route. By disgracefully labeling Hamas as a terrorist organization and freezing Palestinian assets in Argentina, Milei has firmly sided with the Israeli regime, furthering its agenda of repression and occupation. This move not only undermines Argentina’s moral standing but signals a complete submission to Israeli agendas.

This unfortunate shift in Argentina’s foreign policy under Milei marks a profound betrayal of the country’s long-standing commitment to independence and moral responsibility. His administration’s alignment with Israel not only jeopardizes Argentina’s international credibility but also places the country on the wrong side of history. Rather than pursuing a balanced and just foreign policy, Milei has chosen to serve the interests of a regime notorious for its war crimes and colonialist expansionism. His embrace of Israeli warmongering is not only a threat to Argentina’s political independence but also a bitter reminder of the dangers posed by lunatic leaders who prioritize alliances with oppressive regimes over the rights and dignity of oppressed nations.