Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei: Countries sanctioned by US must join hands to shatter those sanctions

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says those countries that have been put under unilateral sanctions by the United States and its Western allies must join hands to destroy those sanctions. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in Tehran on Monday.
Explaining on the existing common grounds between Iran and Belarus, the Leader said imposition of bullying sanctions by the United States and some other Western states on Tehran and Minsk are one of those common grounds. “Those countries that have been sanctioned by America must destroy the weapon of sanctions through cooperation with one another and forming a common group, and we believe this is possible to do,” the Leader said.
Referring to the US sanctions against Iran since the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the imposition of the toughest sanctions during the past 12 years, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Severe sanctions made Iran notice its own intrinsic capabilities and forces.” “During the period of sanctions, many grounds for progress have been provided to Iran and our country succeeded to make eye-catching advances in various fields, including science and technology, medicine and biology, aerospace, [as well as] nuclear [science] and nano[technology],” the Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized, “If those countries that have been sanctioned by America make use of one another’s capacities, it will have great benefit for all of them.” The Leader noted that Iran and Belarus can cooperate in many areas, including science and technology, trade, and political activities in international organizations. Referring to the issue of the North-South Transportation Corridor, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Launching the North-South Transportation Corridor will be to both countries’ benefit and also [to benefit of] Russia and [the entire] region, and both sides must strive to get it launched.”
The Leader also stressed that agreements and promises among countries must not remain limited to meetings, but must enter into force through special follow-up and a specific timetable. Ayatollah Khamenei concluded by saying that the world needs spirituality, adding, “Spirituality can serve as a driving force for [all] nations.” The Belarusian president, for his part, said his visit to Iran was aimed at opening a new chapter in the two countries’ relations, vowing to follow up on all agreements between the two countries through cooperation and determination of his Iranian counterpart.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran made great advances and gained amazing experiences under sanctions and we believe that if conditions created by sanctions are used properly, they can provide an opportunity for progress,” Lukashenko said. He added that his trip to Iran was also aimed at getting acquainted with Iran’s achievements in various fields. Lukashenko concluded by saying, “We have come to know our true and false friends under the current hard international conditions and we are determined to engage in special cooperation with our true friends."