Brothers in Arms: The Destruction of Cultural Treasures by ISIS and Israel

Brothers in Arms: The Destruction of Cultural Treasures by ISIS and Israel

Dec 7, 2023 - 12:31

 One day, the historical monuments in Syria were destroyed and demolished by ISIS. Similarly, in Gaza today, Israel is annihilating the cultural heritage and human civilization. According to international law, parties involved in a conflict have a responsibility to protect and preserve the cultural and international heritage in the conflict zone while avoiding any actions that could cause damage to it. However, Israel has consistently shown a disregard for any form of law. To this day, the majority of the historical landmarks in Gaza City have been either destroyed or severely damaged. This includes not only famous sites such as the Al-Omari Mosque, three historical churches, the Balakhia historical area, Beit al-Saqqah, and the historic port of Gaza City, but also the Rafah Museum and numerous other locations. The motives behind Israel's atrocities in Gaza, which resemble those of ISIS, are aimed at depriving the residents of this heavily populated region of the meaning of life.