China: US veto led to more dangerous situation in Gaza

A representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry sharply criticized the US veto of the Security Council resolution.

Feb 23, 2024 - 05:39
China: US veto led to more dangerous situation in Gaza
China: US veto led to more dangerous situation in Gaza

 A Chinese diplomat warned on Wednesday that the veto of a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip had made the situation much more dangerous. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning noted that Beijing wanted approval of this resolution and voted for it. He added: “America has once again single-handedly vetoed and brought the situation in the Gaza Strip to a more dangerous state.” According to him, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip has become extremely serious and has already affected peace and stability in the region. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that the Security Council must stop the violence and conflict in Gaza as soon as possible, and this is a moral duty that cannot be ignored. He added that China will continue to work with all sides of the international community to pressure the Security Council to make more responsible and meaningful efforts to stop the war in the Gaza Strip.