Continued Israeli war crimes in Gaza with the direct cooperation of the United States and the Biden administration

Dec 27, 2023 - 13:03
Continued Israeli war crimes in Gaza with the direct cooperation of the United States and the Biden administration
Continued Israeli war crimes in Gaza with the direct cooperation of the United States and the Biden administration

The invasion of the violent regime in the Gaza Strip has entered the 82nd day. The army of the violent regime has severely attacked the cities of Khan Yunis located in the south and Jabalia in the north as well as Gaza located in the middle of the zone. The Israeli army has announced that in the past 24 hours, its soldiers have bombed 100 areas in the southern Gaza Strip, killing at least 200 people and injuring more than 300 others. The forces of the violent Zionist regime on Tuesday invaded various areas of the West Bank of the Jordan River and arrested several Palestinians while attacking different areas of the Gaza Strip. The crimes of Israel and its ally the United States The number of martyrs in Gaza continues to increase due to the frequent attacks of the Zionist regime, and according to the Ministry of Health of Gaza, at least 20,674 Palestinians have been martyred and more than 50,000 others have been injured. Those who have survived the attacks of the Zionist army are facing a terrible situation that has not been witnessed in the world in recent decades. On the 81st day of the war, Dr. Ashraf al-Qudra, Spokesman for the Gaza Ministry of Health, said: Gaza is at the peak of a health crisis. According to the Head of the Information Office of the Hamas Government in Gaza, the deaths of more than nine thousand martyrs are due to the lack of medical equipment, and this is in a situation where revitalizing the health and medical sector in the region requires one thousand trucks of drugs and medical devices. But the aid currently flowing into Gaza can meet the needs of only two percent of the health and medical services in the area. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization WHO has written in the X social network that: 'The World Health Organization is experiencing indescribable pressures due to the escalation of the conflict in the Gaza Strip and is deeply concerned about the attacks carried out near the few hospitals that are working. in that area. This is in a situation where the entire system of the health sector has been completely destroyed. Hospitals receive more patients than they can handle and many of them lose their lives while waiting to be treated.' Jima Connell, Head of the United Nations Team who has been in Gaza for a few weeks, says: 'Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are facing a difficult humanitarian situation, where thousands of people are moving from one side to the other and there is no one to reassure them. their safety where they are going.' The suffering of the residents of Gaza According to United Nations figures, around 1.5 million residents of the northern part of the Gaza Strip have been forced to move to the southern areas. A spokesman for the Gaza Ministry of Health previously said that Israel is directing Gazans to areas it claims are safe and turning those areas into genocide. At the same time, the United Nations Security Council has not been able to carry out its duties in Gaza due to the United States using its veto in relation to the conflict. In relation to this matter, on Friday, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution to increase aid to Gaza without calling for a ceasefire in the area which is facing mass killings. The resolution was approved by 13 votes, with the United States and Russia abstaining. Initially, the United States voted to veto Russia's draft resolution that wanted to include a clause to end the war quickly and completely stop the fighting in Gaza. According to the Financial Times newspaper, at the beginning of the al-Aqsa Hurricane operation, Joe Biden's strategy was to publicly support Benjamin Netanyahu and other Zionist leaders, but secretly warned them not to overstep the bounds. The issue has led the US Congress to criticize President Biden and say the US has failed to pressure Netanyahu to change his tactics. The politics of the United States and the Biden government have not only tarnished the international image of the Democrat Party and questioned its main principles, but have turned the United States into an ally of Israel and Netanyahu's crimes in the Gaza Strip.