Criticism of EU employees for the indifference of this union to the events in Gaza
In a letter, employees of EU institutions and agencies criticized the EU's indifference to the events in Gaza.

According to the British newspaper "Guardian", the employees of the institutions and agencies of the European Union signed a letter in which they expressed their growing concern about the indifference of the European Union in dealing with the humanitarian crisis in Gaza which is contrary to the main values of the Union and the goal announced in the framework of the promotion of peace . The letter, addressed to three senior EU officials, cites the International Court of Justice ruling in January and asserts that there is a real risk to Palestinians under the Genocide Convention . The letter from staff of EU institutions and agencies warned that the EU's continued indifference to the plight of the Palestinians threatens to normalize a world order in which the absolute use of force replaces an order based on rules, security, integrity territorial and independence. According to this report, the letter of the staff of the institutions and agencies of the European Union is highlighted by many non-governmental organizations that have repeatedly called for a ceasefire . The letter from the employees of the EU institutions and agencies is supposed to be sent to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, as well as Roberta Mitzola, President of the European Parliament and Charles Michel, President of the European Council . Since October 7, 2023, with the full support of Western countries, the false Zionist regime has launched a mass massacre in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank against the defenseless and oppressed people of Palestine, killing and massacring thousands of innocents, most of whom theirs are women and children.