Criticism of the UN Special Rapporteur on the ongoing killing of Palestinians

Francesca Albans, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied territories, criticized the killing of more than 200 Palestinians under the pretext of freeing four Israeli prisoners.

Jun 10, 2024 - 14:44
Criticism of the UN Special Rapporteur on the ongoing killing of Palestinians

Francesca Albans, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied territories, criticized the killing of more than 200 Palestinians under the pretext of freeing four Israeli prisoners.On Saturday, June 8, the Zionist regime carried out a horrific massacre in the Nusirat camp, the center of the Gaza Strip, in which more than 210 Palestinians were killed and more than 400 were injured. Most of the martyrs and wounded are women, children and middle-aged people.

Albans stressed that the Zionist regime is using prisoners to justify killing and starving Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, while at the same time it is also increasing aggression and crimes against Palestinians in other occupied territories.
The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Territories said the release of Israeli prisoners should not come at the cost of killing innocent people and using humanitarian aid trucks as cover for this crime.
Albans said that the Zionist regime could have released all its prisoners 8 months ago under the prisoner exchange agreement, as the first phase of the prisoner exchange was completed, but this regime opposed the agreement to continue to destroy and kill more in Gaza, this process demonstrates a clear the Israeli regime's decision to commit genocide against the Palestinian people.
Martin Griffiths

Martin Griffiths, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, also stressed that the scenes of killing and massacre in Nusirat proved that the war is becoming more terrible by the moment and that this camp is the center of the tragedy in the Gaza Strip.

The World Assembly of Islamic Awakening strongly condemned the terrible crime committed by the Zionist regime in the Nusairat camp, the center of the Gaza Strip.

In its statement, the assembly announced that the Zionist criminal regime is once again whitewashing the history of great murderers and criminals by exterminating more than 200 women, children and innocent people of occupied Palestine, this time in the Nusirat camp.

The crime in Nusairat, committed with the support of the United States, is a violation of all humanitarian and human rights laws, and these barbaric crimes are a consequence of the rapid dispatch of weapons and bombs by the United States and Europe to Tel Aviv and the inaction of governments and responsible international organizations, including the Council UN Security, Vs. 8 months of crimes and genocide have passed in the Gaza Strip, which has cast doubt on the existence of the mentioned organizations in terms of ensuring the safety of the inhabitants of the occupied lands (Israelis) and preventing Zionist war crimes in occupied Palestine.

In such a painful situation, where the statistics of killings of Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are increasing every day, the responsibility of Muslim governments is doubly heavy, while maintaining unity and acting in accordance with moral, Islamic and humanitarian standards, using effective mechanisms such as economic sanctions and ending all covert and overt relationships in the fields of politics, security, etc., in order to prevent the killing of Palestinian women and children.
The World Assembly of Islamic Awakening calls upon justice seekers from all countries, governments, parties, political groups, civil organizations, leaders, elites, personalities and social networks of the Islamic world, especially the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other supporters of freedom, to fully support the oppressed Palestinian nation to prevent Israel from achieving his goals.