Desecration of the Holy Qur'an in Sweden: Unveiling the Deeper Dimensions of Recent Provocations
Desecration of the Holy Qur'an in Sweden: Unveiling the Deeper Dimensions of Recent Provocations

Following the desecration of the Qur’an, Momika publicly declared his intention to repeat this reprehensible act, along with burning the flag of his home country, Iraq. Despite the Iraqi Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, requesting that the Swedish authorities hand Momika over to face prosecution in Iraq, Sweden did not comply.
In fact, Sweden’s official stance has contributed to the recent desecration of the Qur’an and the flag of Iraq.
Despite Momika’s offensive act against the sacred texts of Muslims, the Western media failed to condemn him and falsely presented him as a member of the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF)—this misleading representation aimed to sow division within Iraqi society and incite chaos. However, various groups and the Iraqi people recognised this plot and united against it, issuing joint statements condemning Momika’s abhorrent action.
Reliable information obtained by Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence suggests that Momika has been employed by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad since 2019. His notorious reputation in Iraq aligns with the profile desired by the Zionists, who welcome and embrace individuals with such records.
The Zionists perceive a threat to their existence from Muslims who adhere to the teachings of the Qur’an. They understand that followers of the Holy Qur’an will never accept the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Hence, the Zionists perpetuate their enmity and animosity towards Muslims by insulting the Qur’an and the Prophet of Islam. Additionally, Iraq is a target of the Zionist occupiers due to its legislation aimed at preventing the entry of Zionists and normalising relations with Tel Aviv.
Recent actions have been strategically planned to incite discord in Iraq, with specific timing chosen to create political unrest. Iraq requires heightened security and internal order, particularly during the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and his companions, when an increase in pilgrimages and large gatherings occurs.
Behind these acts seeking ethnic and religious division can be identified. The Islamic Republic of Iran and its leader have consistently emphasised that insulting monotheistic religions and their holy books goes against Sharia. Considering the cases mentioned above, it becomes apparent that the recent desecration of the Holy Qur’an carries broader and more intricate dimensions than previous similar incidents. With the burning of the Holy Qur’an in front of the Iraqi embassy in Denmark, it becomes evident that extreme right-wing parties will continue to perpetrate such attacks. The primary objective behind these malicious acts is to ignite conflict between Muslims, and Christians, thereby creating a new media crusade. The rise of the extreme right across Europe, the United States, and Israel has led to an increase in violent actions against Muslims.
If a viable solution is not found, the entire world may face a global crisis in the near future. Finally, some political observers perceive burning the Holy Qur’an as a symbolic gesture aimed at diverting public attention from more critical issues. While condemning such acts is necessary, it is not sufficient. Islamic countries, Muslims, and followers of other religions must unite and institute a real solution to address this crisis.