Divide and Conquer: The Greater Middle East Plan

Jan 14, 2024 - 13:22

Part I

What do you know about the Greater Middle East plan?

The Greater Middle East plan, crafted by the United States, was devised with the aim of consolidating its hegemony in the Middle East.

The main objective of the Greater Middle East plan was to extend its scope beyond the Arab nations of the Middle East, including Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and even the Muslim countries of the Caucasus. This ambitious vision aimed to establish a cohesive bloc with Israel at its center, all functioning within the framework of a free market.

To achieve this, the division of large Middle Eastern nations into smaller, subordinate entities became a key strategy.

This approach entailed inciting discord among friendly nations, exacerbating racial and ethnic tensions, promoting separatist movements, implementing devastating economic reforms, and even instigating religious conflicts. Yet, these measures merely constituted a fraction of this plot.

However, the United States didn't stop there. The pivotal step in executing this plan entailed a fundamental alteration of the geographical landscape of these nations.