England: Exposing a police chief's deception

England: Exposing a police chief's deception

Sep 30, 2023 - 08:20
England: Exposing a police chief's deception
England: Exposing a police chief's deception

  Nick Adderley, one of the senior police commanders of the Nottinghamshire district in England,... tried to pass himself off as one of the English soldiers participating in the war between England and Argentina for the Malvinas Islands (Falkland), while at the time, 15 years old and he was studying. According to the AAA news agency, Nick Adderley, 57, who earns £165,000 a year, tied medals relating to that war to his chest at the Falklands War commemoration ceremony in England to make himself one of the warriors. That battle show. After the publication of this scandal in some local English police media, the senior English police officer of the Nottinghamshire district launched an investigation into this action. Ederly is now accused of "stealing courage" and could lose his job if found guilty. Before the introduction of the current police chief, Nick Adderley was one of the candidates for police chief in this country. In July this year, the Nottinghamshire Police website stated that Nick Adderley had served in the English Navy for ten years, including during the Falklands War, but this has now been removed.