Forgery and Manipulation in Cornel West’s Electoral Campaign

Aug 17, 2024 - 14:23
Forgery and Manipulation in Cornel West’s Electoral Campaign

Recent revelations have spotlighted controversial and possibly illegal tactics employed in an attempt to get Cornel West, an independent presidential candidate, on the ballot across various states. The controversy has intensified with allegations of forged documents and deceptive practices, casting a shadow over West's campaign.

Denisha Mitchell, an Arizona resident, recently discovered that her name was listed as an elector for West’s campaign without her consent. Shockingly, Mitchell learned that the documents listing her as an elector were falsified. Her name, address, and signature were all forged. "I was shocked and surprised by it all," Mitchell told The Associated Press. "I didn’t even know what an elector was."

Mitchell’s situation underscores a broader issue of dubious tactics used to qualify West, a left-wing academic, for the ballot. The deception involves individuals and groups aiming to manipulate the electoral process, with Mitchell's case being among the more egregious examples.

Dennis K. Burke, a former U.S. Attorney in Arizona, emphasized the gravity of such actions: "If you produce information that is false on a filing to a government entity in Arizona, you’ve committed a felony."

Efforts to Undermine Electoral Integrity

The controversy surrounding West’s campaign is linked to a broader strategy by certain conservative activists and Republican-aligned operatives. These efforts appear designed to position West as a spoiler candidate who could potentially siphon liberal votes from Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, thereby aiding former President Donald Trump’s chances in key battleground states.

West’s campaign, however, has been largely uninvolved in these efforts. The campaign reportedly had significant financial troubles, with records showing a debt of nearly $17,000 as of June. There is no indication that West himself is aware of, or involved in, these dubious tactics.

Unusual Elector Listings

The list of electors for West’s campaign features several unusual and troubling entries. For example, Elizabeth Rothgeb, one of the electors, has a criminal history involving manslaughter. Additionally, other electors are not registered to vote at the addresses listed for them. This raises questions about the legitimacy and authenticity of the elector filings.

Mitchell, along with others who discovered similar issues, is preparing to submit affidavits to state authorities affirming that their names were used without consent.

Republican-Aligned Manipulations

The involvement of Republican-aligned operatives in gathering signatures and managing ballot access for West’s campaign is notable. Mark Jacoby, a Republican operative with a history of using deceptive tactics, has been linked to efforts in Arizona. Jacoby’s previous work includes attempts to manipulate voter registrations and signatures.

Similar tactics have been observed in other states. For instance, pro-Trump activist Scott Presler was seen gathering signatures for West outside a Trump rally in North Carolina, aiming to undermine the Democratic vote.

Ballot Access Controversies

Efforts to manipulate ballot access are not new in Arizona, where elections are often decided by narrow margins. This year alone, issues have included allegations of forged signatures on nominating petitions by conservative groups.

As the election season progresses, the controversies surrounding West’s campaign highlight ongoing concerns about electoral integrity and the lengths to which some are willing to go to influence the outcome of elections.