Four Decades of Resistance: International Conference Honors Heroes of Ramadan Headquarters Held in Tehran

The conference, "Ramadan Headquarters: Forty Years of Resistance," convened on July 20th and 21st, 2024, in Tehran, with the participation  of veteran Iranian and Iraqi commanders who had served during the Holy Defense War (1980–1988) and the families of martyrs associated with this headquarters.

Jul 11, 2024 - 14:56
Four Decades of Resistance: International Conference Honors Heroes of Ramadan Headquarters Held in Tehran

The conference, "Ramadan Headquarters: Forty Years of Resistance," convened on July 20th and 21st, 2024, in Tehran, with the participation  of veteran Iranian and Iraqi commanders who had served during the Holy Defense War (1980–1988) and the families of martyrs associated with this headquarters. Established in June 1984 by the directive of then-President Ayatollah Khamenei, the headquarters featured key figures such as Martyr Ismail Daqa’ighi, Martyr Seyyed Hamid Taghavifar, Martyr Sadrullah Fani, Martyr Rasool Heydari, and Martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.

The conference commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a welcome address from General Mesgarian, the commander of the Ramadan Headquarters. Highlighting the immense grandeur of the Islamic Republic, he noted that the Supreme Leader, Imam Khamenei, had mandated the establishment of this headquarters during his presidency in 1984. He elaborated on the pivotal role of the Ramadan Headquarters throughout the Holy Defense War and its indispensable efforts in combating regional terrorism and the destruction of ISIS. General Mesgarian also invoked the insightful reflections of the late Haj Qasem Soleimani, who proclaimed, "Ramadan Headquarters is truly a source of good for this country, and its achievements in both war and peace are comparable to the performance of an entire government or army."

Referring to the myriad services rendered by this headquarters over the four decades since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, General Mesgarian emphasized that holding this ceremony under the banner of "Ramadan Headquarters: Forty Years of Resistance" serves as a prelude to the forthcoming commemoration of the martyrs associated with this headquarters. Finally, he conveyed his sincere appreciation for the presence of Brigadier-General Esmail Qaani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's (IRGC) Quds Force Command and all the departments associated with Ramadan Headquarters that helped to make this event a success.

Following Gen. Mesgarian's address, a brief video clip detailing the services of the Ramadan Headquarters was broadcast to both Iranian and foreign dignitaries, chronicling the services rendered by the Ramadan Headquarters. The documentary highlighted the headquarters’ founding fathers, elucidating in detail the pivotal role this military institution played in unifying the efforts of Iraqi forces within the Badr Corps against Iraq's former dictator, as well as its involvement in the decisive dismantling of the ISIS scourge in the post-Saddam era.

Later, General Ahmad Zul-Qadr, one of the founding commanders of the Ramadan Headquarters, delivered a captivating address recounting the headquarters' illustrious 40-year history. Observing that Operations Ramadan and Valfajr had catalyzed the strategic reorientation of the war front from the southern regions to the west, he concluded that this profound shift in military strategy was attributable to Iraq's superior logistical capabilities in the southern theater, a factor that had compelled his colleagues to chart a novel course of action for future engagements.

Referring to the establishment of the Irregular Wars headquarters in 1984, Gen. Zul-Qadr observed: "Since 1984 and with the founding of this headquarters, the primary mission of this institution has been to provide steadfast support to the regular military operations undertaken in the western regions of the country." He acknowledged that in the nascent stages, operating in this unfamiliar terrain and carrying out military maneuvers was inevitably accompanied by a degree of trial and error. However, he noted that the eventual integration of the headquarters' capabilities with the resources within Iraq ultimately opened a pivotal new front against Saddam's regime, effectively expanding the scope of Iran's war effort to encompass the entirety of Iraq.

Building upon this foundation, Gen. Zul-Qadr continued that regular military operations were henceforth conducted with a strategic advantage, bearing witness to a series of unprecedented feats until the war's final years. Although the balance of power eventually shifted in Iraq's favor due to the support of Western powers, he emphasized that prior to this juncture, Iraq had been greatly hindered in its ability to mobilize and concentrate its forces, a direct consequence of the ceaseless operations conducted by the Ramadan Headquarters within Iraqi territories.

Gen. Zul-Qadr expressed his gratitude to the authors of the seminal works "Atlas of Ramadan Headquarters" and "A War Beyond the Border" for their meticulous documentation of this base's activities, underscoring that the impressive achievements chronicled therein are a testament to the collective efforts of thousands of Iranian and Iraqi personnel over the decades.

It is noteworthy that these two seminal works, "Ramadan Camp Atlas" and "A War Beyond the Border," were unveiled by the publications of the IRGC and the Holy Defense Documentation and Research Center during the same conference. Pointing to the central roles played by Martyrs Rasool Tabatabai-Nejad, Sadrullah Fani, and Taghavifar within this headquarters, Gen. Zul-Qadr went on to highlight the contributions of Martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, noting the latter had joined the headquarters in his capacity as deputy commander of the Badr Corps and continued his career in support of the Iraqi people by establishing the Hashd al-Sha'abi [Popular Mobilization Forces, PMF], ultimately becoming the final martyr associated with this headquarters.

Gen. Zul-Qadr emphasized that one of the Ramadan Headquarters' most crucial mandates was to liberate the Iraqi nation from the tyrannical rule of Saddam and to establish a government truly representative of the people. Gen. Zul-Qadr further emphasized that the campaign for a national government in Iraq stood as a cornerstone strategy of this institution, extending his deepest appreciation to all the Iraqi citizens and parties who played a crucial role in the realization of this pivotal objective.

Furthermore, Gen. Zul-Qadr underscored the statements made by Martyr Soleimani, who had observed that Ramadan Headquarters' outstanding accomplishments were achieved through the judicious application of minimal resources and facilities. Crucially, he noted that the headquarters' scope of activity had not been limited to military endeavors alone but had also included cultural, political, and economic initiatives.

Lastly, Gen. Zul-Qadr stated that approximately 21,000 IRGC personnel along with 30,000 Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and Shia Iraqi resistance forces were involved in the Ramadan Headquarters, highlighting that the institution had successfully undertaken 17 major operations (ten 'Fatah operations' and seven 'Zafar operations') between 1984 and 1986, in addition to leading over 1,100 smaller-scale operations across Iraq.

As General Zul-Qadr solemnly concluded his remarks, he presented the sobering tally of sacrifices borne by this hallowed headquarters over the past four decades. With a heavy heart, he reported that this institution had offered 356 martyrs, 342 missing soldiers, and 1,135 Iranian and Iraqi veterans in service of their noble cause.

The proceedings then transitioned into a stirring live musical performance, a poignant tribute to the revered martyrs of the Ramadan Headquarters.

Following this moving interlude, a cadre of foreign dignitaries took to the stage. Among them were the Minister of Culture for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Kak Mohammad Saeed Ali; the representative of the Democratic Party of the Kurdistan Region, Mir Hossein Araz; the esteemed leader of the Jihad and Construction Movement, Abu Iman al-Darraji; and the Secretary-General of the Iraqi Socialist Party, Kak Mohammad Mahmoud Mohammad.

The guests spoke with one voice, extolling the unbreakable unity between the Iranian and Iraqi nations and their shared, valiant struggle against the tyranny of Saddam's regime and the scourge of ISIS terrorism. In the same breath, they paid heartfelt homage to the martyrs of the broader "Axis of Resistance"—the heroes hailing from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Yemen, whose ultimate sacrifices had sustained this righteous cause.

Next, General Naeini took to the podium, reporting on the tireless efforts undertaken to preserve the rich tapestry of history and sacrifice woven into the legacy of the Ramadan Headquarters. Gen. Naeini announced the remarkable progress made in the production of two seminal works: the comprehensive "Atlas of the Ramadan Headquarters during the Holy Defense War" and the sweeping narrative "A War Beyond the Frontier, Ramadan Headquarters in the War between Iraq and Iran." With heartfelt gratitude, he commended General Zul-Qadr for his unwavering stewardship in guiding these vital documentary projects to fruition.

Underscoring that the meticulous chronicling of this history remained a paramount policy objective for the IRGC research center, Gen. Naeini reported that teams were assiduously compiling the oral histories concerning 120 martyred generals, as well as countless other war commanders and officials. In a clarion call, he appealed to the assembled military leadership to lend their steadfast cooperation, ensuring that these narratives would be preserved for posterity.

Moreover, Gen. Naeini expounded upon the IRGC research center's ambitions to translate these historical accounts into works of cinematic brilliance, immortalizing the valor and sacrifices of the fallen for generations to come. Shifting his focus, Gen. Naeini underscored the pivotal role played by the Badr Corps during the eight-year Holy Defense War, urging the gathered commanders to lend their full-throated support to the over 40 projects currently underway to document the Badr Corps war efforts. Conscious of the lack of a designated custodian for compiling the Badr Corps' oral history, he stressed the importance of the upcoming memorial honoring the Badr Corps martyrs.

The unveiling of the two seminal works—"Atlas of the Ramadan Headquarters during the Holy Defense War" and "A War Beyond the Frontier: Ramadan Headquarters in the War between Iraq and Iran"—took place in the august presence of personalities such as Mr. Vahidi, the Minister of the Interior; Parviz Fattah, the head of the Mostazafan Foundation; Major-General Salami; Gen. Masjidi; and Gen. Mesgarian. The ceremony paid tribute to the author of these chronicles, the revered Gen. Sadeghi, whose tireless efforts had brought these historic narratives to life.

As the ceremony drew to a close, Major-General Salami took to the stage, extending his heartfelt gratitude to the Iraqi guests, both Sunni and Shia, as well as the families of the Iranian martyrs in attendance, declaring them not mere guests but the true hosts, for "Iran is the host of all the oppressed nations and Muslims of the world."

Offering his sincere condolences on the solemn occasion of Muharram and the mourning of Imam Hussain [PBHU], Gen. Salami then expounded upon the importance of the spirit of resistance in the Islamic world. "The most beautiful scenes of the solidarity of nations," he eloquently proclaimed, "are forged in the unity of resistance against common enemies."

Gen. Salami extolled the Ramadan Headquarters as one of the most exceptional bastions in the annals of the Holy Defense War, built upon the unshakable foundation of the two great nations of Iran and Iraq. It was here that luminaries such as Martyr Daqa'ighi and Martyr Taghavifar had risen to the pinnacle of heroism and sacrifice.

Gen. Salami's address then reached a crescendo as he invoked the towering figure of Martyr Soleimani, whose efforts to unite the oppressed Muslims of the world, from Iraq to Afghanistan, Lebanon to Syria, and Yemen, had inspired generations. He affirmed that the martyrdom of Abu Mehdi Al-Muhandis had demonstrated that the defense of Islam knew no borders, and the Ramadan Headquarters had played a pivotal role in this noble struggle.

Gen. Salami added that wherever the light of Islam had risen, the forces of disbelief had united to extinguish it—be it in Palestine, where the enemies had conspired to destroy a nation through daily bombardment and the murder of innocents. "Our border," he declared, "is wherever Muslims are attacked." Yet, he proclaimed with unwavering conviction, the Muslim youth had risen in jihad to defend their honor and faith, for Operation "True Promise" had been a harbinger of their readiness to act when and where necessary.

Gen. Salami further emphasized that jihad is the path to happiness and victory, achievable only through the unshakable unity of Muslim nations. Today, he asserted, Muslims had awakened across the globe, led by Imam Khamenei, who is imbued with the Quranic worldview and places his faith in divine power.

In conclusion, Gen. Salami declared that Islam transcended all borders, with Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and beyond acting as brothers whom Iran unconditionally supports. "We win together," he affirmed, "but we fail without each other." This spirit of fraternal solidarity, Gen. Salami proclaimed, is the essence of the lessons Islam imparts. Gen. Salami reiterated that the initial nucleus of Islamic resistance had now multiplied exponentially, with the Israeli regime facing fierce attacks from Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, and Iraq - a testament to the greatest display of Muslim unity.

As applause echoed through the hall, Gen. Salami expressed his gratitude to the organizers of this momentous event, particularly the officials of the Ramadan Headquarters, whose efforts had brought this historic occasion to fruition.