From Gaza to Yemen: The Israeli Threat to International Peace No One Wants to Talk About

Oct 6, 2024 - 18:35
From Gaza to Yemen: The Israeli Threat to International Peace No One Wants to Talk About

By: A. Yeganeh


In the wake of the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm launched by Palestinian resistance a palpable sense of foreboding gripped analysts and observers throughout the Arab world. Their trepidation was not without cause; it arose from a profound understanding of the Israeli regime’s dark history—a history marred by war crimes and unyielding violence inflicted upon the besieged civilians in Gaza and the wider expanse of occupied Palestine. Nearly a year after this pivotal operation Israel’s military aggression not only persists but has metastasized spreading its tentacles beyond the confines of Palestine enflaming Lebanon Iraq Syria and Yemen in a sweeping regional campaign of belligerence. This article seeks to expose the profoundly inhumane dimensions of the Israeli regime’s relentless pursuit of dominance underscoring the imperative to disarm this rogue state and bring an end to its unbridled reign of terror.


One of the most alarming illustrations of this regime's cruelty lies in its increasing reliance on advanced technologies to sow fear and destruction among civilian populations. In recent weeks Lebanon has borne witness to the deployment of cutting-edge instruments of terror revealing a new harrowing face of Israeli barbarism to the world. Particularly egregious was the targeting of personal pagers belonging to Hezbollah members and ordinary Lebanese citizens—a grotesque demonstration of how the Israeli regime weaponizes even the most rudimentary technologies in its relentless campaign of aggression. This perverse tactic starkly epitomizes Israel’s use of weaponry unmoored from any ethical constraints or adherence to international norms. It is precisely this absence of restraint that has alarmed political observers across the globe raising grave concerns about the trajectory of future conflicts driven by this regime’s insatiable thirst for power.


The Israeli regime’s indiscriminate deployment of Western-supplied military hardware further exacerbates the volatile geopolitical landscape of the Middle East. The regime’s unfettered access to the most sophisticated American-made weaponry—including advanced warplanes next-generation bombs and specialized trench-busting munitions—unveils the United States’ direct complicity in perpetuating violence throughout the region. The attempted assassination of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah facilitated by these very weapons underscores Washington’s pivotal role as the primary enabler of Israeli warmongering. It is a well-established fact that the deployment of such armaments necessitates explicit authorization from U.S. authorities and Israel’s unrestricted access to this arsenal reveals a war machine operating with dangerous impunity free from the constraints of international law or accountability.


Exacerbating the peril posed by Israel is its nuclear status—a reality that flagrantly contravenes international norms. As a nuclear-armed entity that brazenly refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Israel’s atomic arsenal has conferred upon it a dangerous deterrent empowering its brutal policies with near-total impunity. Western governments foremost among them the United States have not only shielded Israel from international censure but have actively emboldened its increasingly flagrant disregard for international law. This unholy alliance—fortified by the U.S.’ carte blanche security guarantees—has enabled Israel’s extremist administration led by Prime Minister Netanyahu to emerge as one of the most formidable threats to global peace. The Israeli regime’s longstanding record of state-sponsored terrorism and moral depravity combined with its possession of humanity’s most destructive weapons constitutes an existential danger that the international community can no longer afford to ignore.


Of particular outrage is the glaring double standard imposed by the West on sovereign nations such as Iran which despite never pursuing nuclear weapons has been subjected to years of crippling sanctions and relentless international scrutiny simply for its peaceful nuclear energy initiatives. Meanwhile Israel shielded from the oversight of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) operates with impunity—its clandestine nuclear program shielded from the type of scrutiny to which other nations are routinely subjected. This brazen hypocrisy must be confronted by the international community not only in the name of justice but to ensure that the Israeli regime’s covert nuclear ambitions are fully exposed and dismantled.


In conclusion, since the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, Israel has continued to perpetrate war crimes against the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon resulting in the martyrdom of tens of thousands of innocent souls all in pursuit of its nefarious geopolitical objectives. A regime devoid of moral responsibility has no rightful claim to modern weaponry nor should it be permitted to persist in its unchecked aggression. The international community through its legal frameworks must take decisive action to halt Israel’s unlawful use of Western arms and initiate a comprehensive disarmament process. Furthermore the imposition of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty upon the Israeli regime is an indispensable first step necessitating that its nuclear facilities be subjected to rigorous international inspections. Only through such measures can the world begin to dismantle the Zionist regime’s grip on the region and aspire to a future unburdened by the specter of its unrelenting violence.


By demanding accountability enforcing disarmament and insisting on transparency in Israel’s nuclear ambitions the international community has the opportunity to halt a dangerous course and ensure that justice and peace prevail in a region long plagued by unchecked Israeli aggression.