German Parliament Admits Ukraine War Caused Weakening of Country's Fighting Strength

A German lawmaker admitted his country's army's fighting strength was significantly reduced due to arms support from Ukraine.

Nov 29, 2023 - 13:45
German Parliament Admits Ukraine War Caused Weakening of Country's Fighting Strength
German Parliament Admits Ukraine War Caused Weakening of Country's Fighting Strength

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Western countries have shipped tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to Kyiv and have gradually provided Ukraine with heavier and more sophisticated weapons, including battle tanks, Patriot air defense systems and long-range missiles. Johann Wadephul, a member of the German parliament, warned Sunday (26/11/2023) about a sharp decline in the German army's combat readiness due to Berlin's arms aid process to Kyiv. This member of parliament from the opposition Christian Democratic Union party in the German Parliament said that the continued transfer of weapons and ammunition from Berlin to Kyiv had caused a shortage of weapons reserves in the German armed forces. “This shortage meant that vital German army units only lasted a maximum of two days in a battle. "Situations like this are a major disaster," said Wadephul. "Anyone who talks about war readiness but expects the German army to be at least ready to defend itself should ensure that such a bad situation does not happen. But unfortunately, the opposite is true," he stressed. “The German armed forces are actually losing money even in the process of acquiring replacement equipment. "In the current security situation, if aid donated to Ukraine in the field of arms and ammunition is not compensated, it will be a problem," said the German lawmaker. This German politician blamed Boris Pistorius, the German Minister of Defense, for the situation.(PH)