Germany’s Shameful Foreign Policy: A Betrayal of Humanity in Service of Israeli Holocaust in Gaza

Oct 22, 2024 - 18:25
Germany’s Shameful Foreign Policy: A Betrayal of Humanity in Service of Israeli Holocaust in Gaza

By: A. Mahdavi


Germany once lauded as a so-called pillar of the European Union’s advocate for human rights has morphed into a nation whose foreign policy is steeped in moral bankruptcy and complicity in injustice. Under the embattled Chancellor Olaf Scholz Germany’s diplomatic posturing is not just hypocritical---it is a direct endorsement of state violence and ethnic repression most notably in its uncritical support for Israel. Germany’s stance is not only a betrayal of the principles it once espoused under Merkel but also a flagrant affront to human decency. Amnesty International’s harsh criticism of Germany is a wake-up call highlighting the nation’s deliberate collusion with Israel's brutal policies.


For years Germany has cloaked itself in the veneer of neutrality in the Israel-Palestine conflict masquerading as a peace-broker in the Middle East. This pretense however is a sham. The German government has long been an ardent supporter of the Israeli regime turning a blind eye to its apartheid practices and human rights abuses against Palestinians. In 2022 Amnesty International branded Israel as an apartheid state---a fact so glaring that only willful ignorance could reject it. Yet Germany ever eager to shield Israel from scrutiny outright dismissed the report. This act of denial is not just passive indifference but an active alignment with Israel's oppressive agenda. Germany’s silence in the face of Israeli war crimes in Gaza and more recently in Lebanon makes it an accomplice to the suffering of thousands.


Germany’s unrelenting support for Israel is often excused as a byproduct of historical guilt over the Holocaust. While Germany must never forget its past it cannot use this guilt to justify supporting a regime that now inflicts similar horrors upon the Palestinian people. Israel’s decades-long policy of occupation dispossession and violence against Palestinians bears chilling similarities to the very oppression Germany claims to condemn. The question arises: How can a nation that knows the consequences of genocide and ethnic cleansing continue to arm fund and defend a state that engages in these very practices? If Germany were genuinely committed to never again it would stand against Israel’s ongoing atrocities not aid them.


But Germany's motivations go beyond historical atonement. The real driving force behind its foreign policy is a calculated effort to protect powerful pro-Israeli lobbies and financial interests. Germany’s allegiance to Israel has little to do with moral responsibility and everything to do with appeasing influential economic and political actors who benefit from this unholy alliance. The German government is more concerned with maintaining the favor of investors and avoiding political fallout than upholding human rights or international law. This shameful prioritization of profit over people reveals the depths of Germany’s moral decay.


Germany’s foreign policy is a textbook example of hypocrisy. The same government that decries human rights abuses elsewhere turns a blind eye to Israel’s war crimes. This blatant double standard exposes Germany’s cynical exploitation of international law when it suits its interests and its complete disregard for the suffering of Palestinians whose lives are deemed expendable in the pursuit of geopolitical gain. By siding with Israel Germany is complicit in maintaining an apartheid regime that continues to displace bomb and massacre innocent civilians under the guise of security.


Worse still Germany’s foreign policy is exacerbating a crisis not only for the Middle East but for Europe itself. The European Union already struggling with waves of refugees fleeing conflict and instability now faces the prospect of further displacement driven by Israeli aggression. Germany’s failure to hold Israel accountable for its actions only fuels more violence creating conditions that will send even more refugees toward Europe’s borders. Yet in its shortsightedness Germany prioritizes short-term alliances and economic gain ignoring the long-term consequences of its actions. Europe is not merely standing by as a spectator to this conflict---it is an active participant with Germany at the forefront of this disastrous policy.


Germany's foreign policy is not just a national failure---it is a European one. As one of the EU's most powerful members Germany's actions set a dangerous precedent effectively endorsing Israel's oppressive tactics while undermining the EU’s own supposed commitment to human rights. The idea that the European Union can manage the fallout of Israeli aggression through backdoor deals with neighboring states like Turkey and Tunisia is laughable. The reality is that the EU’s unwillingness to challenge Israel’s behavior only intensifies the instability in the volatile Middle East ensuring that the refugee crisis will worsen. Germany in particular bears responsibility for this failure as its blind support for Israel not only perpetuates conflict but also creates the very conditions that will send more desperate people to Europe’s shores.


Germany once a nation that prided itself on its commitment to peace and justice has sold out its values for political expediency and economic interests. Its uncritical support of Israel reveals a government that is more concerned with shielding itself from the backlash of powerful lobbies than standing up for the oppressed. This is not just a failure of foreign policy it is a moral collapse. Berlin through its silence and complicity has chosen to side with an apartheid state that perpetuates violence and ethnic cleansing betraying the very principles of human dignity it claims to uphold.


The world must not be deceived by Germany’s hollow rhetoric of peace and neutrality. Germany has made its choice and it has chosen to be on the wrong side of history---aligning itself with an oppressive regime while abandoning the Palestinian people to endure relentless suffering under Israeli occupation. If Germany continues down this path it will not only bear the weight of its own moral failures but will also face the consequences of a destabilized region and a Europe flooded with the very refugees its policies helped create.