Heavy rains increase the suffering of refugees in eastern Sudan

The heavy rain that continues to fall in eastern Sudan has increased the suffering of people who fled their homes, especially in the cities of Gedaref, Kassala and Halfa Aj Jadeedah.

Jul 27, 2024 - 11:34
Heavy rains increase the suffering of refugees in eastern Sudan

The heavy rain that continues to fall in eastern Sudan has increased the suffering of people who fled their homes, especially in the cities of Gedaref, Kassala and Halfa Aj Jadeedah. Reports say that the water from the heavy rain that fell last Friday has filled the streets and town of Kassala and caused serious problems for the residents of the area.

Eyewitnesses have said that rain water overflowed people's homes and surrounded the refugees' tents.

The Department of Emergency Affairs of Kassala has warned about the dire situation in some of the people's homes, and called on the government and all international organizations to help the refugees in the area, and to deliver children's clothes and heating equipment.

A similar situation of floods and heavy rains that affected the refugees has also been witnessed in the cities of Gedaref and Halfa Aj Jadeedah.

More than ten million Sudanese have become refugees inside and outside the country due to the civil war. 

Heavy rains in the neighboring country of Ethiopia have also caused landslides in the Gofa area and reports say more than 250 people have died as a result of the natural disaster.