Interesting move from Italians to support Palestine

The people of the Italian city of Vicenza changed the name of the streets of their city in support of the Palestinian people. This name was inspired by the struggles of the Palestinian people.

Apr 27, 2024 - 14:15
Interesting move from Italians to support Palestine

The people of the Italian city of Vicenza changed the name of the streets of their city in support of the Palestinian people. This name was inspired by the struggles of the Palestinian people.

These days, the streets of the city of "Vicenza", one of the headquarters of the American army in Italy, are full of symbols supporting the Palestinian people and condemning Israel's crimes in the Gaza Strip.
"Palestine Occupation Street", which ironically means stop occupying Palestine, "Palestinian Settler Street", which has the aim of Zionist settlers should leave Palestine, "Palestine Resistance Street", "Palestinian Apartheid Street", which means Palestine should leave apartheid, aims to object to the Israeli occupation. "Aaron Bushnell Street", named after the burning American pilot, are some of the names given to the streets by the people of Vicenza./