Israelis Disillusioned: Dwindling Trust in Political and Military Leadership

Jul 22, 2024 - 14:18

 Post-Gaza Assault Nine months after Israel launched its aggression against the Gaza Strip, the Hebrew-language daily, Israel Hayom, revealed that a staggering 74% of Israelis harbor no confidence in their authorities. This disillusionment appears to stem from a growing view that Prime Minister Netanyahu puts his own political survival ahead of Israel’s long-term interests. Nearly seven out of ten Israelis have voiced a tangible sense of concern over the likelihood of a recurrence of the operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance on October 7, 2023. Also, an alarming 80% attribute the Israeli potential collapse to internal threats, highlighting the fragility of the regime's security establishment. This simmering social discontent has been echoed in a parallel survey conducted by Maariv, another renowned Israeli publication several months ago, Which shows that within merely three months, public confidence in Israel’s political and military leadership has plummeted from 75% to 59%.