Israel’s Reign of Terror: An Apartheid State Built on Violence, Deception, and Occupation

Sep 9, 2024 - 14:38
Israel’s Reign of Terror: An Apartheid State Built on Violence, Deception, and Occupation


By: N. Daneshvar


The Israeli regime, from its very inception in 1948, has relied on the twin pillars of terror and violence to cement its illegitimate occupation of Palestine. These tools of aggression have not merely been peripheral strategies; they are foundational to the very existence and continuation of the Zionist project. The calculated use of state-sponsored terrorism and warmongering has enabled Israel to maintain its grip on Palestinian territories for over seven decades, and without these tools, the occupation would have faltered long ago.


A glance at the grim history of assassinations, targeted killings, and extraterritorial violence carried out by Israel underscores a disturbing reality: the survival of this fictitious state hinges on these ruthless methods. The global community's silence towards these blatant violations of international law is even more appalling. Shielded by its Western allies, particularly the United States, Israel has evaded accountability, transforming international courts, legal bodies, and assemblies into mere spectators. This impunity has emboldened the Israeli regime, granting it carte blanche to perpetuate a legacy of terror that stretches far beyond the borders of Palestine.


Israel has long mastered the art of strategic ambiguity, particularly when it comes to carrying out extraterritorial assassinations. By shrouding its involvement in deniable operations, it has cleverly avoided taking responsibility for crimes that would otherwise be considered egregious violations of international law. Despite this, the world is not blind to the reality of these acts, which target not only Palestinian leaders but prominent figures across the globe. Israel's primary export, it seems, is state-sponsored murder, executed under the guise of national security, yet designed to crush any form of resistance to its occupation.


The Israeli regime's criminal behavior extends beyond geopolitical strategy, deeply rooted in a theological and ideological worldview that dehumanizes anyone who deviates from its narrow definition of worth. The Zionist establishment views non-Jews as subhuman, mere "talking animals," devaluing their lives, property, and dignity. Particularly, the Zionist establishment casts Palestinians as non-persons, viewing their very existence as a threat to the so-called Jewish state. Zionist ideology further exposes its supremacist and racist underpinnings by treating Europeans and Christians as anthropomorphic animals. It is this dehumanization that provides moral cover for the slaughter and subjugation of Palestinians, which is why the Israeli regime sees no ethical dilemma in its campaign of terror.


Israeli security and espionage agencies are responsible for the creation and nurturing of bloodthirsty groups, often labeled as "terrorists." It is no coincidence that chaos and violence continue to engulf the Middle East, with Israel acting as a puppet master, manipulating the situation from behind the scenes. By fostering instability, the Israeli regime ensures that no real challenge to its dominance in the region arises. The proliferation of violence and terror is not an accidental byproduct; it is an intentional strategy, one that serves to deflect attention from Israel’s own war crimes while keeping the region mired in conflict.


The government of Israel has for decades made a spectacle of its militarism, violence, and outright disregard for human rights. Even as the international community raises its voice in opposition to the ongoing bloodshed, Israel presses on, undeterred. This persistence is not a matter of defensive necessity but a reflection of the deep-seated belief that terror is the only means by which the Israeli regime can survive. In this warped worldview, the subjugation and elimination of Palestinians—and, if necessary, any other group that opposes Zionist supremacy—become divine mandates.




The belief in Jewish racial superiority, a toxic doctrine that elevates the Israeli regime's actions to the realm of religious duty, serves as the theological justification for these atrocities. The intertwining of militarism and the belief in "chosen people" has created a governance model that not only accepts but also celebrates violence as righteous. Israel’s showcase to the world over the years has been one of terror, warmongering, and ceaseless bloodshed, all underpinned by a distorted theology that claims divine sanction for its crimes.


The stark truth is this: Israel's terror regime will continue unabated, both within Palestine and across the broader region, as long as the Israeli regime exists. Terror is the foundation of the occupation, and the political machinery thrives on the blood of innocents. Without terror, the Israeli regime cannot survive, and without occupation, it has no purpose. Israel will stop its violence only when the Zionist state and its illegitimate government disappear.


This is the unavoidable conclusion for anyone who observes the grim reality of Israel’s actions. Terror is not an aberration; it is the essence of the Israeli regime. Until we overthrow this regime, the cycle of violence will continue, destroying Palestinian lives and the moral fabric of the world that allows such atrocities. The world must decide how long it will allow a terror-based regime to reign unchecked, as time is running out.