Morocco refused the French president Macron to enter the country

Morocco refused the French president Macron to enter the country

Sep 19, 2023 - 12:37
Morocco refused the French president Macron to enter the country
Morocco refused the French president Macron to enter the country

  Morocco has denied the news of French President Emmanuel Macron's trip to Rabat and said that there is no plan for the trip. According to the AAA News Agency, Morocco rejected the claims of the French Foreign Minister that the country's president Emmanuel Macron will visit Morocco. An official of the Moroccan government has told the country's news agency that no permission has been given to Macron to travel to the country. This Rabat government official added: "I am surprised that the French foreign minister made such unilateral claims and gave himself permission to make such a statement." A few days ago, Caterina Colonna, the French Foreign Minister, claimed that President Macron will visit Morocco soon at the invitation of the country's King Mohammed VI. Macron In his statement, Colonna also acknowledged the tension between Paris and Rabat.

 Recently, Morocco refused even to receive the help of the government of Paris in the rescue operation of the earthquake and after the rejection of the French aid by the Moroccan government, Macron released a two-minute video in French to comfort the Moroccan people. Reliable sources reported that the King of Morocco did not answer the phone call made by French President Emmanuel Macron after the recent earthquake in the country. Morocco's rejection of French aid shows a serious political crack in the relationship between the governments of Rabat and Paris.../