Moscow warns London: "If Kiev has nuclear bullets, atomic war is near"

MOSCOW - According to the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergej Lavrov, "there is no doubt that it will end badly for London" if it wants to supply high-yield projectiles with depleted uranium to the Ukrainian regime.
"I haven't heard of these supplies, but I wouldn't be surprised by anything, because they have completely lost their sense of direction regarding their actions and how they undermine strategic stability around the world." He added in an interview with Rossiya-1 TV.
British Deputy Defense Minister Annabel Goldie revealed that Britain intends to supply high-explosive depleted uranium projectiles to Kiev on 20 March during a hearing in the House of Lords. “Along with a squadron of Challenger 2 heavy combat tanks we will also be sending the relevant ammunition: including armor-piercing shells that contain depleted uranium,” she said.