Murdoch admits: "Fox endorsed the lies about the Trump victory"

Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, has admitted under oath that several presenters of the broadcaster have endorsed the thesis falsely supported by Donald Trump according to which victory in the 2020 elections had been stolen from him. This is what emerges from documents recently disclosed and cited by various American media. The US tycoon's admission came during a deposition in the context of the $ 1.6 billion defamation lawsuit filed against the network by Dominion Voting Systems, which makes and sells hardware and software for electronic voting. The company accused Fox News and the Fox Corporation of defaming its reputation. In his deposition, Murdoch acknowledged that hosts Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro "endorsed" the false narrative promoted by Trump. "In hindsight - Murdoch said in the deposition, according to reports from the New York Times - I would have liked us to have been stronger in denouncing the thing". Murdoch would also have quantified the degree of adhesion of the various conductors to the false electoral narrative: "When asked if Fox News host Jeanine Pirro approved the statements, Murdoch replied: 'I think so'", reconstructs the Washington Post. Former host Lou Dobbs reportedly did it "a lot" and primetime anchor Sean Hannity "a little."