nuclear threat of the Zionist regime against Gaza

The threat of a member of the cabinet of the Zionist regime to use a nuclear bomb against the people of Gaza has once again revealed the inhumanity and cruelty of that regime.

Nov 9, 2023 - 06:05
nuclear threat of the Zionist regime against Gaza
nuclear threat of the Zionist regime against Gaza

Amihai Eliyahu, the Minister of Heritage of the Zionist administration (a member of the Utsama Yehudite party) in Netanyahu's cabinet has called for the bombing of Gaza with a nuclear bomb. Speaking in a television program, Eliyahu admitted about the mass killings carried out by the terrorist regime of Israel against the people of Gaza and said that 60 percent of the attacks have already been carried out against Hamas and that using a nuclear bomb is one of the ways to deliver a severe blow. more against Gaza. Before that, Moshe Viglin, a former member of the Zionist regime's parliament, also called for the use of an atomic bomb against Gaza. He wrote a message on the X social network under the heading that read 'revenge of the flanks': "Jericho missile! Jericho missile, strategic warning. Before you think about sending ground troops to Gaza. Doomsday weapon.

This is my opinion." The Jericho missile is an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, with a range of about 6500 km. The current minister and former member of the Israeli parliament is talking about the attack on Gaza with a nuclear bomb in a situation where, in the past four weeks, the terrorist regime of Israel has already dropped on the heads of the people of Gaza bombs with an explosive power equal to two nuclear bombs dropped by the United States on two Japanese cities in World War II. Long live Eliyahu So far, nearly ten thousand defenseless people of Gaza have been martyred in these barbaric attacks, where more than a third of them are children.

Approximately 27 thousand people have been injured in the barbaric attack. In these disproportionate attacks against civilians, the regime has also been using banned weapons such as phosphorus bombs. Despite this, the Zionist minister calls the people of Gaza "Nazis" and even believes that all citizens of Gaza are involved in the war against Israel. The statement of the minister of the Israeli Council of Ministers was so strong that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Zionist Prime Minister who himself also has strong and dictatorial positions, could not tolerate the statement and took the step of temporarily suspending his activities in the council, claiming that his statements that is far from the truth. The minister's statement shows on the one hand that the Zionist regime should not possess nuclear weapons and can use them arbitrarily and whenever it feels defeated in the battlefield, and on the other hand, that regime, which is a clear example of state terrorism, does not appreciate at least human values. In relation to the issue, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, while condemning the statements of the Zionist minister, has emphasized that, not firing him and being satisfied with suspending him for a while, shows the indifference of the cabinet of the Zionist administration to human values.

The Islamic Jihad and Hamas movements have also strongly condemned the statements of the minister with Zionist terrorist views regarding the possibility of using a nuclear bomb in the Gaza Strip and said that they clearly confirm the terrorism carried out by the administration against the Palestinian state. The Islamic Jihad Movement has said: 'Israel is implementing step by step what Eliyahu said.' And the Hamas Movement has emphasized on the issue that: 'The statements of one of the ministers of the hostile Israeli regime regarding the possibility of a nuclear bomb being launched in Gaza show the terrorism of that regime against our nation.' The last point is that, threatening the people of Gaza that they will be attacked with a nuclear bomb clearly proves the failure of the Zionist regime to achieve its goals in the war against Gaza.