Putin warns of the "real" danger of nuclear war between Russia and the West
President Vladmir Putin of Russia has told the West that they are in danger of starting a nuclear war if they send troops to fight in Ukraine, warning that Moscow has weapons to attack the West.

The war in Ukraine has caused the worst crisis in Moscow's relations with the West since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Putin has previously spoken of the risk of direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, but his warning of a nuclear weapons war The nuclear he gave yesterday Thursday was more clear. Addressing parliamentarians and other personalities of the country, President Vladimir Putin, who is 71 years old, reiterated his accusations that Western countries are interested in weakening Russia, and said Western leaders do not understand the great danger of their interference in Russia's internal affairs. President Putin has issued the warning of nuclear war, referring to the idea given by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, last Monday, to ask European NATO members to send ground troops to Ukraine; a proposal that was quickly rejected by the United States, Germany, Great Britain and other Western countries. "(Western nations) must realize that we also have weapons that can target their territories. All of this threatens the conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. Don't they realize that?!", asked the President of Russia. Vladimir Putin He said: "Russia's strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness." An angry Putin has told Western politicians to remember the fate of people like Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany and Napoleon Bonaparte of France who failed to invade Russia in the past.