Removal of Israel's Foreign Minister; The First Political Impact of the Gaza War

The Prime Minister of the Israeli Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, at the end of 2023 removed the foreign minister in his cabinet.

Jan 1, 2024 - 10:43
Removal of Israel's Foreign Minister; The First Political Impact of the Gaza War
Removal of Israel's Foreign Minister; The First Political Impact of the Gaza War

Eli Cohen's removal from the post of foreign minister in Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet was caused by a number of factors. The first factor relates to Cohen's poor performance. The third month of the Gaza war is coming to an end, and the Zionist regime is under pressure from global public opinion and world governments. As foreign minister, Cohen unsuccessfully tried to tell the Zionist war narrative to other countries. Therefore, demonstrations against the Zionist regime were held all over the world with large numbers of people. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu The second reason is related to before the Gaza war. On August 27, Cohen met with the Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs in Italy, but this meeting did not go unnoticed by the cameras and the Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Najla Al-Monghosh, was removed from his post after widespread protests from the people of this country. After this incident, demonstrations against the Zionist regime in Libya intensified and the normalization of relations between the Zionist regime and Libya was practically hampered.

Zionist media attributed this incident to Cohen's weaknesses in information protection and demanded his dismissal, but Netanyahu did not do so at the time, and now, after the dispute escalated, he fired Cohen. Cohen's dismissal contains a number of important indications. The first indication is that there are differences of opinion within Netanyahu's cabinet. Cohen's dismissal from the State Department came during the war in Gaza, a rare move. Additionally, a few days ago and after news of the possible dismissal was made public, Cohen expressed his displeasure and said in an interview with the Yediot Aharonot newspaper, "I respect the government's agreement, but it is not right to do this during wartime; I don't understand the reason for the insistence Netanyahu.” This comment also confirms the existence of the dispute. Jerusalem Post reporter Gil Hoffman wrote that "Netanyahu discredited the post of foreign minister, which is Israel's second most powerful, so Cohen played no role in the development and resigned ." The second indication is the acceptance of defeat in the Gaza war. Today, after Cohen's dismissal, he said in an interview with Hebrew-language Radio 103, "Responsibility for the current situation lies with the government. At the end of the war, an independent investigative committee must be established and all responsible institutions must be held accountable, which more disadvantaged." This statement was an admission of defeat in the war. The third indication is the possibility of political changes in Netanyahu's cabinet after the end of the war against Gaza. Cohen was dismissed by Netanyahu today, and it is not far from expected that Netanyahu will also face the collapse of his cabinet after the war and even the end of his political life. Demonstrations against Netanyahu continue in the occupied territories and thousands of people hold demonstrations against the Prime Minister every day. This happened when the Zionist regime was at war with Gaza. In order to remain in power, it is not impossible that Netanyahu will remove a number of other ministers, including Itmar Ben-Gvir, Minister of Internal Security for this illegal regime. (MF)