Removal of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives

Kevin McCarthy, the Republican speaker of the US House of Representatives, was removed from office by members of the House on Tuesday in a vote. According to WS, McCarthy, 58, was removed as House speaker by a vote of 216 to 210, an unprecedented move in American history. Kevin McCarthy is the first Speaker of the House of Representatives in United States history to be fired by his colleagues and party members.
The decision to impeach McCarthy was made at the suggestion of Matt Gatz, one of the Republican representatives of the state of Florida and loyal to former US President Donald Trump, who leads some of the hard conservatives in the Republican Party. The vote came just days after internal Republican divisions led the US government to shut down work on the country's budget bill.
The plan to oust McCarthy from his hardline party comes after he worked with Democrats to prevent a Biden administration shutdown. Hardline Republicans and Trump supporters were unhappy with McCarthy over his deal with the Biden administration to raise the debt ceiling and pass a short-term budget.