Revealing the fact of US spying on allies and the UN
Revealing the fact of US spying on allies and the UN

The German newspaper Die Zeit and the state television channel ARD, exposing the fact of US spying on the German Ministry of Defense, stated: "Even a decade after the revelation of massive US spying on European allies, the Department of Defense (Pentagon) continues to spy on the German Department of Defense with electronic equipment." The German newspaper and television channel ARD also pointed to Edward Snowden's 2013 exposure of the National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance of Washington's allies.
According to new leaked documents from the Pentagon, it is clear that US intelligence agencies have been spying on secret negotiations between the German and Chinese military. The issue that most worries the German authorities is not the content of these negotiations, but the way the US is spying and spying. The exposed Pentagon documents marked "top secret" indicate that the information was collected using electronic listening devices.
Of course, the espionage and eavesdropping operations of US intelligence organizations are not limited to Washington's enemies and allies. The United States even spied on the UN and its officials. In this regard, after the exposure of secret documents of the US Department of Defense (Pentagon), it became clear that the US government is closely monitoring and spying on UN Secretary General António Guterres, believing that the UN Secretary General has a soft stance towards Russia and strongly seeks to ensure the interests of Moscow.
The US has a long history of spying on other countries. This includes wiretapping and hacking into government and military networks around the world in order to collect information. For example, at the end of May 2022, the main Danish media, i.e. Danish radio and television revealed that the US NSA was spying on former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and other European high-ranking officials through Danish connections. The exposure of the fact that American intelligence agencies are spying on Washington's European allies indicates that the United States not only does not trust its partners, but is always trying to find out the details of the conversations, plans and goals of the leaders and officials of important European countries through electronic wiretapping and surveillance of telephone conversations.
A Danish Radio and Television report revealed that the intelligence service of Denmark, an ally and close neighbor of Germany, with the assistance of the US NSA, was spying on the ex-Chancellor of Germany and the president of this country. This is while neither Merkel nor Steinmeier knew anything about the spy operation of the Danish intelligence service.
The fact that the US was spying on its own allies was first exposed in 2013, but more details about it have now emerged. For the first time this year, former National Security Agency official Edward Snowden revealed massive surveillance by the US intelligence agency of the American people, as well as citizens of European countries and their authorities. US reporter Glenn Greenwald says: "Snowden, at the risk of his own life, opened the public's eyes to the 'incredible extent of illegal activities' of the US government.
The exposure of the US NSA's spying on European authorities dealt a serious blow to trust between Brussels and Washington. The European authorities realized that the United States not only did not trust them, but also carefully monitored all their actions and words. In this regard, not so long ago, the head of the French cyber defense command, General Aymeric Bonmaison, warned European countries that if European countries allow Washington cyber defense groups to control their networks, they run the risk of espionage from this country.
The head of the French Cyber Defense Command warned of the risk of US Cyber Command spying on European countries under the pretext of protecting them. However, the problem of Washington spying on its own European allies persists despite Snowden's revelations. Released secret Pentagon documents on US spying on Germany and the UN confirm this issue.