SCO Summit Declaration Calls for Just Resolution to Palestinian Issue

Leaders Condemn Civilian Casualties and Oppose Unilateral Sanctions

Jul 5, 2024 - 10:14
SCO Summit Declaration Calls for Just Resolution to Palestinian Issue

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has emphasized the need for a just resolution to the Palestinian issue in its final declaration following the summit held in Astana, Kazakhstan.

In the declaration, the leaders of the SCO member states expressed deep concern over the ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict. They underscored the importance of achieving a fair and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue, highlighting the need for comprehensive negotiations and adherence to international law.

"The SCO member states are deeply concerned about the status of the Palestine-Israel conflict and stress the importance of reaching an agreement based on a just solution," the declaration stated.

Condemnation of Civilian Casualties

The SCO leaders also strongly condemned the actions leading to significant civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. The recent violence and loss of civilian lives have drawn international criticism, and the SCO's statement reflects a unified stance against such tragedies.

"We strongly condemn the actions that have resulted in the deaths of numerous civilians in the Gaza Strip," the declaration read, echoing global calls for accountability and protection of innocent lives.

Opposition to Unilateral Sanctions

The SCO's final declaration also addressed broader issues of international trade and economic stability. The leaders voiced their opposition to unilateral sanctions, which they argue undermine global trade and economic cooperation.

"The Shanghai Cooperation Organization opposes unilateral sanctions that undermine global trade," the leaders affirmed, advocating for a multilateral approach to economic policies and international relations.

Additional Context and Developments

The SCO summit in Astana brought together leaders from member states including China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and several Central Asian countries. The discussions covered a wide range of topics, from regional security and economic cooperation to cultural exchanges and infrastructure development.

Historical and Political Background

The SCO's call for a just solution to the Palestinian issue comes amid long-standing international efforts to mediate peace between Israel and Palestine. The conflict, marked by periodic escalations of violence, has seen numerous attempts at negotiation, often stalling over key issues such as borders, the status of Jerusalem, and the rights of refugees.

International Reactions

The SCO's stance adds to the global discourse on the Palestine-Israel conflict, reflecting a growing consensus on the need for a fair resolution. The condemnation of civilian casualties and opposition to unilateral sanctions align with similar sentiments expressed by various international organizations and human rights groups.

Looking Forward

As the SCO continues to expand its influence and membership, its positions on critical international issues like the Palestinian conflict will likely play a significant role in shaping global diplomatic efforts. The call for a just resolution and the condemnation of violence underscore the organization's commitment to peace and stability in the region.

The international community will be closely watching the actions taken by SCO member states in the aftermath of this declaration, particularly in their diplomatic engagements and contributions to peace processes in the Middle East.