Seymour Hersh: Israel would like to use new bomb for mass extermination in Gaza

Oct 16, 2023 - 14:30
Seymour Hersh: Israel would like to use new bomb for mass extermination in Gaza
Seymour Hersh: Israel would like to use new bomb for mass extermination in Gaza

  Prominent American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed that the Israeli army is about to use a new version of JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) bombs during its bombing campaign on the Gaza Strip. JDAMs are capable of carrying out mass slaughter within "half a mile" of the unloading site." Current Israeli war planners are convinced, an insider told me, that the upgraded version of JDAMs with warheads larger ones would penetrate quite deeply underground before exploding - thirty to fifty meters - with the explosion and resulting sound wave" killing everyone within a radius of a half. mile'...depending on effectiveness, the forceful expulsion of Gazi City and the south will proceed, with a ground invasion immediately following," Hersh continued.Earlier this week, Hersh warned in a another report that an Israeli “national security veteran” said the regime is considering whether to use a “Leningrad approach” to suffocate “Hamas forces” in Gaza and avoid an invasion, something the source said could lead to killing of nearly 100,000 civilians.

"The big debate today... is whether to starve Hamas or kill up to 100,000 people in Gaza," adding that "Hamas now only has a two- to three-day supply of purified water and this, together with the lack of food… could be enough to flush out all Hamas [forces],” he later said, citing the source. This summer the Israeli Air Force, after receiving three F-35I Adirs, also conducted a major tests with fifth generation fighters. It was the JDAM smart bomb tests. The ammunition was suspended from the external pylons of the Israeli version of the fifth generation fighter, called F-35I Adir. Specialists from Lockheed Martin participated in the test. It was the first test of its kind conducted outside the United States. The JDAM or Joint Direct Attack Munition is an aerodynamic GPS guidance kit that turns conventional bombs into highly precise bombs. The JDAM-ER modification can have a maximum launch range of 75 kilometers. The JDAM consists of a set of wings and tail. The wings are attached to the central section of the munition. The tail unit has plumage that provides maneuverability.