Significance of Syunik region of Armenia in regional equations

The Syunik Marz, located in the south of Armenia, has a special geopolitical significance for both Azerbaijan and Armenia, not only because of its geographical location and military-economic significance, but also because of its key position in regional communication and historical and ethnic considerations.

Aug 18, 2024 - 12:25
Significance of Syunik region of Armenia in regional equations

The Syunik Marz, located in the south of Armenia, has a special geopolitical significance for both Azerbaijan and Armenia, not only because of its geographical location and military-economic significance, but also because of its key position in regional communication and historical and ethnic considerations.

Syunik is also of special importance for Iran, as a close neighbor of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Syunik is the only point that connects Iran to Armenia, and through it to the South Caucasus.

This route is very important for Iran, as it allows the country to maintain its connection with Armenia, as well as the markets and regional politics of the South Caucasus.

Syunik region is part of the North-South Corridor that connects Iran with Armenia, Georgia and Russia. This route is very vital for the trade and transit of Iranian goods and plays an important role in reducing Iran's dependence on other routes.

Azerbaijan's plans to create the Zangezur Corridor in Syunik region, which can connect Nakhichevan to the main territory of Azerbaijan, have caused concern for Iran. This corridor can weaken Iran's border with Armenia and increase the influence of Turkey and Azerbaijan in the region, which contradicts Iran's geopolitical interests.

Iran wants to maintain the balance of power in the South Caucasus and prevent any border changes that could lead to increasing influence of Turkey or the West. For this reason, Iran is sensitive to any border changes in Syunik and may support maintaining the status quo.

However, Iran is trying to balance its relations with both Armenia and Azerbaijan. This policy helps Iran manage regional conflicts and prevent further tensions near its borders.

From an economic point of view, the Syunik region is of great importance for Iran, as a key route for the export and import of Iranian goods to Armenia and beyond. Any change in the state of this region can have a direct impact on the regional economy of Iran.

Overall, Iran's role in Syunik is very sensitive and strategic. Iran is trying to avoid geopolitical threats by maintaining strong relations with Armenia and closely following the events taking place in Syunik.

Both Baku and Yerevan are increasing their military forces. This arms race can lead to increased tensions and increase the likelihood of armed conflicts. Domestic pressures in Armenia and Azerbaijan may push the leaders of those countries to make radical or military decisions, especially if domestic problems cannot be resolved through diplomatic means.

Although it is possible to prevent larger conflicts through diplomacy and international mediation, ongoing tensions, unresolved disputes and regional rivalries increase the likelihood of continued conflicts. Sustainable peace in the South Caucasus requires greater efforts to fundamentally solve these problems.