Silence No More: A Clarion Call for Global Unity to Punish Israel

Aug 5, 2024 - 20:12
Silence No More: A Clarion Call for Global Unity to Punish Israel

By: M. Sharifi


For nearly a century, the plight of Palestinians and the creation of the illegitimate Israeli regime have represented the most significant challenge and source of anguish for the entire world. Throughout this period, the usurpers have been bolstered by an arsenal of material power, including financial resources, weaponry, technology, political maneuvering, diplomacy, and the vast machinery of the global media empire.

Despite these extensive supports, the Israeli regime's countless atrocities have ignited a global awakening, transforming the issue of Palestine into a universal concern that transcends the borders of the Islamic world and galvanizing a united outcry demanding justice and retribution against the Israeli regime.


The Israeli Regime: A Criminal Gang?

The heinous crimes committed by the Israeli regime, particularly this year, have sparked a worldwide awakening of human conscience. This awakening has transcended the boundaries of the Islamic world, turning the Palestinian issue into a global matter of urgency. As the Supreme Leader of the Revolution recently articulated, "There was a time when Palestine was only a concern for Islamic nations. Today, the plight of Palestine and Gaza resonates globally, from the halls of the US Congress to the United Nations to the Paris Olympics and beyond. The Israeli regime reveals the grotesque visage of a criminal syndicate. They are not a government; they are a murderous terrorist gang, establishing a new benchmark in the annals of human atrocities through terror, cruelty, and unprecedented crimes. Their bombs fall upon infants in cribs, five-year-old and six-year-old children, women, and hospital patients who have never fired a single bullet. Why? This is an unparalleled crime.

The resilience of the Palestinian resistance is becoming increasingly evident. Despite receiving extensive support from the United States and treacherous governments, the Israeli regime has failed to dismantle the resistance. Their declared goal to eradicate Hamas remains unachieved. Today, Hamas, Jihad, and the broader resistance in Palestine stand strong, impervious to their assaults. In their frustration, they resort to bombing the defenseless people of Gaza. The world must respond decisively. Governments, nations, intellectuals, and political figures must take concrete action. This context underscores the profound disgrace of the American Congress in recently hosting and listening to the speech of this criminal, a moment of immense shame."


The Path to Justice: The Imperative of International Punishment of Israel

Echoing the Supreme Leader's sentiments, there is a growing consensus that the Israeli regime should be prosecuted and punished not as a legitimate government but as a conglomerate of criminals, murderers, and terrorists. This unprecedented shift in perspective is exemplified by the recent actions taken against Israel. In response to a complaint filed by South Africa against the Israeli regime in February of the previous year, the International Court of Justice in The Hague is considering issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant. Should this proceed, they would be barred from traveling to 124 countries, including Germany, Holland, Greece, France, Japan, Spain, and the Palestinian Authority. Notably, this marks the first instance where the International Criminal Court targets a key ally of the United States.


Conclusion: Global Consensus Against the Israeli Regime

The unwavering support of the United States and the impotence of the United Nations are the primary enablers that allow Israel to flout the political will of the international community. The United States, wielding military support for Israel and veto power in the United Nations Security Council, stands as the sole actor with tangible influence. While European nations share in the culpability, the overwhelming tide of global revulsion against the Israeli regime's innumerable crimes is undeniable. This global outcry is perhaps most vividly illustrated by the unprecedented and widespread protests of students in Western countries and the tangible actions of the International Court of Justice in The Hague to hold the perpetrators of Gaza's atrocities accountable. However, the most definitive path to holding the Israeli regime accountable lies in forging a global consensus. Given recent developments, there is a growing expectation that this alliance will soon materialize, paving the way for the resolution of the Palestinian issue and the establishment of global peace and stability.