The Immigration Plans of Trump Are Criticized by Pope Francis
Pope Francis has recently denounced Donald Trump's plan for widespread deportations of immigrants, describing the policy as a "disgrace" during an appearance on an Italian talk show. Nearly a decade after Francis had previously referred to Trump as "not Christian" for his proposal to construct a border wall between the United States and Mexico, this represents a rekindled conflict between the pontiff and the incoming U.S. president.

Pope Francis has recently denounced Donald Trump's plan for widespread deportations of immigrants, describing the policy as a "disgrace" during an appearance on an Italian talk show. Nearly a decade after Francis had previously referred to Trump as "not Christian" for his proposal to construct a border wall between the United States and Mexico, this represents a rekindled conflict between the pontiff and the incoming U.S. president.
Francis stated in his remarks that Trump's deportation plans would be a travesty if they were true, as it would result in the impoverished wretches who have nothing being forced to pay for the nation's immigration issues. He further stated that deportation was not a viable solution and that such measures would not resolve the issue.
Francis, in spite of these remarks, sent a telegram to Trump on the day of his inauguration, expressing his hope that the United States would maintain its reputation as a "land of opportunity and welcome for all" and offering prayers for the prosperity of the American people. He underscored his aspiration for a more equitable society in which "hatred, discrimination, or exclusion are not tolerated."
A stance that is deeply ingrained in his heritage as a Latin American pope from Argentina, Pope Francis has been a long-standing advocate for the rights and dignity of migrants. He has consistently advocated for governments to prioritize the protection, integration, and care of migrants, contending that their dignity should be prioritized over national security concerns.
The proposed mass deportations have been criticized by U.S. bishops such as Cardinal Robert McElroy of Washington D.C. and Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago, who have both reiterated the focus on migrants' rights. They have emphasized that these policies are in direct opposition to Catholic doctrine and the Biblical mandate to "welcome the stranger."
In contrast to Trump's uncompromising stance on immigration, these religious leaders, along with Pope Francis, continue to advocate for policies that promote compassion for immigrants and safeguard human dignity.