The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan blames the USA and France and threatens Armenia with a new war

Jul 26, 2024 - 15:26
The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan blames the USA and France and threatens Armenia with a new war

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan issued another brazen statement, accusing the USA and France, while threatening Armenia with a new war.

"The military exercises conducted by the United States of America in Armenia, the provision of deadly weapons by France to Armenia and the provision of military aid by the European Union to Armenia under the name of the European Peace Fund in the initial phase in the amount of 10 million euros, inspire the occupying Armenia to carry out similar provocations and point to the preparation of another war against Azerbaijan ", says the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

As reported by APA, the statement says: "The Ministry of Defense once again warns Armenia and its sponsors that they should refrain from the intention of creating a new hotbed of war in the South Caucasus. If such provocative actions against our country are not stopped, adequate retaliatory measures will be taken for the purpose of self-defense with all the means available in the arsenal of the armed forces of Azerbaijan."

It should be noted that the announcement was preceded by the publication of the Azerbaijani media about the alleged shooting down of a reconnaissance drone in the direction of Tavush. It is with such information injections that Baku precedes its aggressive actions.