The Palestinian Authority's conditions for a ceasefire in Gaza

Ismail Hania, the Head of the Political Office of the Palestinian Islamic Struggle Movement HAMAS and Ziyad al Nakhalah, the Secretary General of the Palestinian Jihadul Islami Movement have discussed the proposals to stop the war in Gaza and give their conditions on the matter.

Feb 4, 2024 - 14:02
The Palestinian Authority's conditions for a ceasefire in Gaza
The Palestinian Authority's conditions for a ceasefire in Gaza

 In their conversation, the two movements of HAMAS and Jihadul Islami have said that any proposals that do not lead to a complete halt to Israel's invasion of Gaza are unacceptable in any way. The two sides have said that any negotiations that do not lead to the end of the war and the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the Gaza Strip along with the removal of the siege and the rebuilding of the strip cannot be accepted by the movement, and there is no exchange of hostages as long as those conditions are not met. After the talks, the two movements issued a joint statement and said that any talks must lead to the cessation of attacks by the Zionist administration, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip, the end of the siege of the area and the rebuilding of all the areas destroyed by the Zionists. accountants The representatives of the Zionist regime, the United States, Egypt and Qatar previously reached an agreement in Paris regarding the framework to stop the war and release other prisoners of the army of the violent regime of Israel and Hamas. Hamas handing over Israeli hostages in one of the hostage exchanges with the brutal Israeli regime According to the proposed plan, a complete ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, guaranteeing the safety of refugees, rebuilding Gaza and breaking the siege and exchanging prisoners are things that should be implemented. Since the start of the operation on October 7 and the apparent success of the resistance forces, on November 24, 2023, about fifty days after the start of the Al-Aqsa Storm operation, the Zionist regime had to accept the conditions of the resistance forces for a cease-fire for a while. The leaders of the Zionist regime promised victory against Hamas and control of Gaza. But as time passed it became clear that the power of the resistance forces is greater than their initial expectations. The army of the Zionist regime of Israel was forced to leave some areas in the north of Gaza in several stages after suffering heavy losses and heavy damage to military weapons, and also to leave a large part of the Zionist army in the conflict areas. Indeed, the events in Gaza after the Al-Aqsa storm are an example of the new and amazing capabilities of the Palestinian resistance forces. The opposition forces managed to force the Zionist troops back in many hand-to-hand combats. The use of advanced weapons was also an important part of the ability of the Palestinian resistance groups, which surprised the army of the Zionist regime of Israel and the leaders of the hostile regime and forced them to accept defeat. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert admitted that Tel Aviv is powerless to stop the movement of Hamas in Gaza.

The former Prime Minister of the Zionist administration strongly criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet by saying: The current Israeli cabinet has bowed its head before the Hamas Movement, and the Palestinians have built a school for us and taught Israel a lesson. In recent days, the authorities and leaders of the Zionist regime have repeatedly admitted their inability and being in a bad situation in front of the Palestinian resistance groups in a situation where, as always, the regime has been benefiting from the support of economic and military of the United States and Western countries. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the illegal Israeli regime The verdict of the International Court of Justice and the accusations of genocide was another scandal for the Zionist regime and their supporters in the White House. However, with their silence, the authorities of the Western countries have not shown a proper response in relation to the accusations against the Zionist regime in the International Court of Justice. When it is about to enter the fifth month since the implementation of the al-Aqswa Hurricane operation, the Palestinian resistance groups are completing their military success with political success, and without a doubt the acceptance of their main and basic conditions in the ceasefire talks is a sign of clear of the weakness and powerlessness of the Zionist regime of Israel in front of the Palestinian struggle groups.