The Shanghai community and opposition to unilateral sanctions

In the final statement of the 23rd meeting in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, the leaders of the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in parallel with opposing the unilateral sanctions of the West against those countries, have said that the sanctions go against international law and emphasizing that the imposition of trade barriers disrupts sustainable development globally.

Oct 19, 2024 - 10:36
The Shanghai community and opposition to unilateral sanctions

In the final statement of the 23rd meeting in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, the leaders of the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in parallel with opposing the unilateral sanctions of the West against those countries, have said that the sanctions go against international law and emphasizing that the imposition of trade barriers disrupts sustainable development globally.

The statement emphasized that member countries oppose all preferential measures and unilateral trade restrictions that weaken the multilateral trading system and disrupt the sustainable development of the world. Thus, the member countries plan to strengthen political and security relations, commercial, economic, financial, investment, cultural and human to create a world of peace, security, prosperity and clean environment.

With more than half of the world's population and spread geographically from south to east Asia as well as the Eurasian region, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as one of the most powerful international organizations, has a great potential to change economic structures and social to solve global challenges. From the point of view of the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, it is the Western societies, especially the United States, that impose restrictions and unilateral discriminatory policies, thus disrupting the order of the world economy, which leads to the collapse of the order of social structures and the spread of poverty. in the world.

Member countries of the Shanghai Community

Therefore, the heads of government who participated in the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Islamabad have emphasized on joint efforts to deal with preferential trade measures that are contrary to the rules and regulations of the World Trade Organization, and also to address the issue of strengthening the organization's rules that promote transparency, integrity and anti-discrimination in commercial transactions. World Trade Organization. They have also emphasized their desire to ensure sustainable economic and social development in the area of ​​the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and want to implement the economic development strategy of the community until the year 2030 as well as a plan for commercial and economic cooperation between member countries.

The presence in the community of countries such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, China, Russia and India gives it great strength in terms of issues such as finance, energy, transport and industry. Of course, separating from Western countries and reducing their economic, commercial and financial damage requires the creation of independent financial and commercial systems that are completely different from those of the Western world. This is because Western countries, especially the United States, use Western financial structures such as the World Bank and SWIFT to implement their policies of repression and sanctions against independent countries. Therefore, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has the potential to build the financial and economic power of the global south and thus create a prosperous, secure and peaceful world. Considering that many of the member countries of Shanghai are under sanctions or economic pressures from Western countries, they undoubtedly have the motivation and determination needed to fulfill the goal and plan.