The trip of the Zionist delegation to America to conclude an arms deal

A Zionist media reported on Monday morning that a security delegation from Israel will go to America to conclude an arms deal.

May 27, 2024 - 13:56
The trip of the Zionist delegation to America to conclude an arms deal

The Israeli newspaper "Yediot Aharonot", citing its sources, has announced that this delegation, headed by the director general of the Ministry of War of this regime, will soon travel to the USA to open the issue of weapons that has been suspended until now.

The US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has announced on May 8 that the shipment of arms to Israel has been halted due to "Operation Rafah" and that the US administration has not made a final decision on the fate of that shipment.

The Pentagon chief continued: "America has made it clear that Israel must consider civilians to conduct a military operation. America does not want to see a major military operation in this city and the focus must be on protecting civilians."

Austin added: "The Israeli military should not launch an operation that does not take into account the safety and protection of civilians. We are considering some security assistance to Israel in the context of the current developments in Rafah."

These comments by Minister Lloyd Austin came just two days before he continued sending military aid to the Zionist regime.

In this regard, the American channel "NBC News", citing two officials of this country, revealed that the shipments recently sent to Israel included offensive and defensive weapons, as well as light weapons.