The Zionists are nothing, nothing can cause serious harm to Hizbullah

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, has insisted that Zionist criminals should know that they are nothing capable of causing serious damage to the strong structure of Lebanon's Hizbullah.

Sep 28, 2024 - 14:49
The Zionists are nothing, nothing can cause serious harm to Hizbullah

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, has insisted that Zionist criminals should know that they are nothing capable of causing serious damage to the strong structure of Lebanon's Hizbullah.

The full message of the Revolutionary Leader is as follows:
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Merciful
The killing of defenseless people in Lebanon, on the one hand, has once again revealed to all the people the barbaric and animalistic behavior of the Zionists; and on the other hand, they have confirmed the narrow vision and stupid policies of the leaders of that brutal administration.
The terrorist and murderous gang ruling the Zionist regime has not learned from its criminal war that lasted for a year in Gaza and has not been able to understand that the mass killing of women, children and ordinary citizens cannot affect the strong and effective structure of the Muqawama institution and destroy it.

Right now they are trying the same stupid policy again in Lebanon. Those Zionist criminals should know that they are nothing, nothing, that can cause serious harm to the strong structure of Lebanon's Hizbullah. All regional Muqawama forces are side by side with Hizbullah and support it.

The fate of this region will be decided by the Muqawama forces led by the proud Hizbullah.
The people of Lebanon have not forgotten that there was a day when the soldiers of the brutal regime came to the point of crushing even Beirut, and it was Hizbullah that cut off their legs and made Lebanon respectable and proud.
Even today, with the help and power of God, Lebanon will humiliate and humiliate the enemy and invader.
It is the duty of all Muslims, with the means they have, to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Lebanon and the arrogant Hizbullah, and to help it in dealing with a hostile, tyrannical and corrupt regime.
Peace be upon the good servants of Allah
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Mehr 7,1403