Thresholds for Netanyahu's criminal associates to be sentenced in the ICC court

In a situation where, the concern of the Zionist circles regarding the issuance of arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court against Netanyahu and Gallant on suspicion of committing war crimes, the Attorney General of this court has revealed that the heads of some countries have pressured him not to issue warrants to arrest Gallant and Netanyahu.

Sep 18, 2024 - 14:30
Thresholds for Netanyahu's criminal associates to be sentenced in the ICC court

In a situation where, the concern of the Zionist circles regarding the issuance of arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court against Netanyahu and Gallant on suspicion of committing war crimes, the Attorney General of this court has revealed that the heads of some countries have pressured him not to issue warrants to arrest Gallant and Netanyahu.

Karim Khan, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has revealed the widespread pressures of the heads of some countries against him to abandon the decision to issue arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Minister of War of the Zionist Administration Yoav Gallant and to emphasize that, after receiving information about the evidence of issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Galant and emphasizing that, he personally considers their arrest important and an urgent matter to prevent the continuation of crimes in accordance with the Rome Convention.

The Zionist administration is consulting with more than 120 countries, including all its Western partners, to cancel the issuance of the arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court and cancel the possibility of arresting its politicians in their land so that they can be handed over to the International Criminal Court.

In this regard, the Minister of Justice of the Zionist administration, Yariv Levin, at Netanyahu's request, has asked Gali Baharav Miara, the judicial adviser of the cabinet to open a criminal case related to the Gaza war against Gallat and Netanyahu to set aside the request of International Criminal Court to issue warrants for their arrest.


The 12th TV channel of the Zionist administration has noted that Netanyahu intends to open this file and close it in the future and thus announced that the Zionist administration has investigated the allegations of war against the ministers and therefore there is no need for the court to intervene.

But Baharav Miara opposed this request and considered it a "clear trick" that will not prevent the International Criminal Court (ICC) from continuing its investigation, but for this, it is necessary to create a high-level fact-finding committee to investigate the October 7 attack of Hamas and the subsequent War against the Gaza Strip.

In this regard, Karim Khan has asked the First Branch of the International Criminal Court to issue "as soon as possible"; arrest warrants requested against Netanyahu and Gallant; because these arrest warrants are necessary because of the "relentless crimes" mentioned in the original request and "the situation in Palestine is dire," and the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court considers that, the court is pursuing the said case due to the obligations which has to investigate four international crimes including war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the crime of rape.

At the request of the United Nations Security Council or one of the 124 member states of the International Criminal Court, the prosecutor may initiate an investigation; as the prosecutor of the court can initiate an investigation on his own initiative, as happened in the Palestinian case file.

Fatou Bensouda, former ICC Prosecutor


Fatou Bensouda, Karim Khan's predecessor, launched an investigation against the Zionist regime in 2021, which was the basis of Karim Khan's investigation. The United States, being the main partner of the Zionist regime in committing war crimes in Gaza, claims that the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court should initiate a new investigation so that there is no concern about the legal process.

Likewise, the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken claims that the prosecutor is in a hurry to issue arrest warrants for the officials of the Zionist administration, and this does not give full opportunity to the Zionist authorities and its legal system to collect documents and evidence.

The United States and the Zionist regime are not members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and have not signed the Rome Statute. Germany has also made similar claims and said: Since Israel is currently at war, it should have been given a proper and real opportunity to prepare evidence and answers to the allegations.

The demands and restrictions are being issued while the Zionist regime is carrying out unprecedented attacks against the West Bank of the Jordan River and at the same time continuing its criminal attacks in Gaza. According to experts, the move is the result of the international community's indifference and silence over the crimes committed by the administration against Gaza in the past several months. The truth of the matter is that, by obstructing the way of issuing documents by the International Criminal Court against the Prime Minister and the Minister of War of Israel, the Western countries are preparing the field and the environment to commit more crimes.

More than 40,000 Palestinians have been martyred since Israel launched sabotage and barbaric attacks against the Gaza Strip last October


Among other things is that, the release of the sentence at the initial stage will mean the recognition of war crimes and crimes against humanity of the Zionist leaders and their supporters who provide armed support to the regime, a decision that will probably lead to increased political isolation and restrictions, the Prime Minister and the Minister of War of the Zionist regime and thus not being able to travel in the 124 member countries of the International Criminal Court.

 Because these countries will stop detaining them, and the third is that the economic crisis of the Zionist regime will increase after the Gaza war.