Trump Guide Harris on Managing Israel and Ukraine Wars, According to WSJ Poll, Battleground States Show Tight Race.

Oct 12, 2024 - 12:40
Trump Guide Harris on Managing Israel and Ukraine Wars, According to WSJ Poll, Battleground States Show Tight Race.

Washington, D.C., Based on a recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) poll, former President Donald Trump has an advantage against Vice President Kamala Harris in popular confidence in handling significant worldwide conflicts including the continuing hostilities in Israel and Ukraine. The poll, which concentrated on seven important battleground states believed to be critical in the next November 2024 presidential contest, showed the two contenders in a close run generally.

Published on Friday, the poll shows that Trump is thought to be more suited in these pivotal states to negotiate the complexity of worldwide military conflicts. Particularly, compared to 39% for Harris, 50% of people in the battleground states think Trump is more suited for handling Russia's war in Ukraine. Regarding who would manage the Israel-Hamas conflict more well, Trump likewise leads Harris 48% to 33%.

Reflecting Tight Race: Battleground States
Trump has an advantage on issues of foreign policy, but generally voter support is virtually equal between the two contenders. With just 2% points, Harris leads by a meager 2% in key states, including Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan. Trump leads 1 point in Pennsylvania and has a 6-point advantage in Nevada. In North Carolina and Wisconsin, the two contenders stand tied.

With 600 registered voters in every state, the poll, which ran between September 28 and October 8, has a margin of error of 4% suggesting the race is still quite competitive.

Domestic Policy and Economic Issues
Although voter choices are much shaped by foreign policy, domestic concerns including the economy, immigration, and healthcare are also major determinants. Two cornerstone of Trump's campaign, immigration and economic management, the poll revealed more people trust him in handling these issues. On matters like housing, healthcare, and showing compassion for the average American, however, Harris leads; these are areas where voters feel she will excel.

The Road towards the White House
The poll's findings fit more general national patterns as other polls, including a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, also reveal a close competition between the two contenders. Harris presently leads slightly nationally at 46% over Trump's 43%. Still, the Electoral College—where battleground states like the ones the WSJ surveyed will decide the result—is the true driver of success.

Harris might win the Electoral College narrowly if she keeps her minor margin in the states where she presently leads. Still, the race is uncertain as Trump keeps strong support in important areas and builds confidence on foreign policy. Both contenders enter the last weeks before the election.

Foreign Policy's Significance in 2024
In the 2024 contest, foreign policy has taken the stage since both the Israel-Hamas conflict and the war in Ukraine still dominate news. Voters are closely examining how each candidate suggests to address these difficult problems given U.S. participation in military aid and diplomatic diplomacy. Voters worried about world crises may find resonance in Trump's harsh negotiating style and record with Middle Eastern diplomacy throughout his presidency, so providing him with a possible advantage in these spheres.

With foreign policy, the economy, and healthcare becoming prominent themes in the next weeks, Harris and Trump are expected to concentrate their campaigns on the critical issues that matter most to voters as Election Day approaches.