Why is the blood of one out of every ten Jews living here considered more valuable than the rest?

Why is the blood of one out of every ten Jews living here considered more valuable than the rest?

Jul 22, 2023 - 08:42
Jul 22, 2023 - 10:00


No to taxes! No to military service!

"Why is the blood of one out of every ten Jews living here considered more valuable than the rest? Why are we required to serve in the military while they are not?" Today, these questions are being raised by secular Jews.Since the Zionist regime's establishment in 1948, ultra-orthodox Jews on the far right known as Haredis have been exempt from doing mandatory military service. In contrast, secular Jews are expected to spend three years of their lives in the military.

Moreover, the Haredis have a relatively higher fertility rate, resulting in larger families. Therefore, they receive additional subsidies and make use of public services paid for by other citizens. The Haredis often offer the excuse that they spend most of their time studying religion to avoid working. Many young Israelis ask nowadays, "Why should I lose three years of my life in difficult and dangerous conditions while the Haredim are exempt from military service?" Why am I expected to save money and cut expenses while they do not?