Withdrawal of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso from the ECOWAS Community
The three countries of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali have announced their withdrawal from the Economic Community of West Africa ECOWAS due to lack of confidence in the politics and policies of the community.

In their joint statement, Ibrahim Traore, Colonel Assimi Goita and General Abdur Rahman Tiani, the leaders of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger respectively, have said that the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) is an organization controlled by foreign powers and thus have decided to announce their joint decision to withdraw from the organization. Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso are three countries of great importance in the West African region that in recent years have witnessed major political events to the extent that these countries are currently ruled by governments that are against French colonialism and empires. imperialist. The military leaders of those countries are supported by the people due to their success in expelling the soldiers of Western imperialist powers such as France from those countries. In fact, the three countries of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, which have many resources in the West African region, have been given special importance by colonial countries, especially France, and in recent years the French army has strengthened its military presence in those countries under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
However, the situation in the region, such as the increase in terrorist activities and its spread in Africa, further demonstrated the negligence and disrespect of those countries' promises to improve peace and security and help eliminate the effects of colonialism in the country. The situation caused the military regimes that wanted to leave foreign soldiers from their countries to get a lot of support from the people. In addition to this, the events of recent months have led to greater political and social changes in the region of West Africa. Despite this and in recent decades, West African countries have tried to improve the situation of the countries of the region by strengthening regional cooperation and establishing various institutions and organizations in the political, economic and security fields. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was founded by the West African countries for that purpose and reason, and many countries in the region are its members. But the regional community has failed to achieve the intended goals. Especially in recent years, and following the political changes in the region, ECOWAS has been affected by the policies and wishes of foreign countries, especially France, and in some political and economic conflicts it has been taking decisions based on the wishes and influence of the powers that of imperialism.
For example, during the revolution in Niger, the ECOWAS community announced under the pressure of France and the United States, military intervention in the country if the military forces of Niger do not return to power Muhammad Bazoum, who was the president of the country. In the country of Mali also, after the change of leadership, ECOWAS tried to intervene politically by announcing sanctions against the country. ECOWAS Parliament In fact, with the strengthening of the reputation and influence of regional institutions in the continent, the colonial and imperialist countries also conspired in different ways to infiltrate these institutions, which has changed the goals and objectives of these institutions and now some members are demanding the same to be controlled by the imperialist powers. Sheikh Abubakr Kamaldin, one of the religious leaders of Ghana says in that context that the leaders of African countries should focus on important issues such as security challenges, kidnappings in African countries and economic problems that have been facing the people of the continent for many years instead of using their strength and power in dealing with revolutionary issues.
In fact, the pretext of investing foreign countries in regional institutions in Africa, has caused the three countries of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso to officially leave the ECOWAS community. The statement of these three countries has said that, ECOWAS has neglected its main goals of strengthening the economy, social life and improving the cultural cooperation of the member countries, and now it has become a tool to meet the demands of foreign forces in the area. Right now, and considering the recent events in West Africa, it seems that the countries of the region are truly determined to be independent and rely on their regional cooperation instead of being dependent on colonial powers like France.