Yemeni Forces Deploy New Ballistic Missile Against Israel

The Yemeni Armed Forces have launched a new ballistic missile, named "Palestine," targeting an Israeli military zone in the occupied territories. This operation marks a significant escalation in Yemen's military involvement in support of Palestine.

Jun 5, 2024 - 13:44
Yemeni Forces Deploy New Ballistic Missile Against Israel


Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces, announced the missile's deployment on Monday. The missile struck the Israeli military base in Um al-Rashrash, also known as Eilat. According to General Saree, this marks the first use of the "Palestine" missile, and the operation was deemed successful.

Since last October, the Yemeni forces have been conducting numerous operations in solidarity with the Palestinians. These actions followed the Israeli regime's extensive military campaign against the Gaza Strip, described by many as genocidal. The conflict, which erupted after a retaliatory strike by the Palestinian liberation movement in Gaza, has resulted in the deaths of over 36,470 Palestinians, predominantly women and children.

The Yemeni forces have not limited their operations to land targets. They have also targeted Israeli ships and vessels heading towards Israeli ports. General Saree emphasized the Yemeni Armed Forces' commitment to continuing their military actions in support of Gaza and the broader Palestinian cause.

"Our operations will persist as long as the Israeli administration continues its war and siege on the Gaza Strip," General Saree stated. He reiterated Yemen's solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and confirmed that military efforts would be sustained to counter Israeli actions.

This latest development underscores the growing regional tensions and the expanding scope of the conflict, with Yemen stepping up its military efforts in support of Palestine. The international community continues to watch closely as the situation evolves.