A large-scale military escalation between Armenia and Azerbaijan is not expected

A large-scale military escalation between Armenia and Azerbaijan is not expected. this forecast was presented by "Fitch" rating agency.

Jul 28, 2024 - 14:39
A large-scale military escalation between Armenia and Azerbaijan is not expected

The signing of a peace treaty between the two countries is considered a difficult process, taking into account the demands of Azerbaijan towards Armenia (regarding the extraterritorial corridor and amendments to the Constitution). However, "Fitch" agency does not expect an escalation of the conflict, even taking into account that Azerbaijani troops still remain in separate parts of the territory of Armenia, and skirmishes have taken place between the forces of the two countries.

In its geopolitical forecasts, "Fitch" also referred to relations with Russia. According to the agency's assessment, despite the deterioration of political relations between Armenia and Russia, economic ties remain very strong, and Armenia's energy dependence on Russia is very high.

"Fitch" does not foresee repeated sanctions against Armenia by the USA, Great Britain or the EU and expects that the financial sector of Armenia will follow the sanctions against Russia.

To remind, on June 4, it became known that Armenia responded to Azerbaijan's latest proposals regarding the draft peace treaty. The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, has stated that the signing of a peace agreement with Armenia by November of this year is quite realistic. At the same time, he noted that signing this document is impossible without amending the RA Constitution.

The RA Foreign Ministry announced on June 7 that the peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan is mature enough to be signed, and the Armenian side is ready to work constructively and intensively to complete and sign it within the next month.