Afghanistan is suffering for two years, who is responsible for it?
Afghanistan is suffering for two years, who is responsible for it?

Taleban exposes the big claims of America and western countries! The Afghan people feel that they have been abandoned by the world society. Since the Taleban seized power, social restrictions have been imposed that threaten the freedom of women and girls as well as religious freedom. Here the question arises that who is responsible for this situation in Afghanistan? To be honest, it seems that the Afghan people are living a nightmare. It is difficult to say what the people of this country have suffered in the last two years. After living in Afghanistan for 20 years, when the US-led NATO army stepped out of this country, by then the country had turned into ruins. NATO, which entered this country promising to completely rid Afghanistan of Taleban and Al Qaeda, has now left Afghanistan, but what it has left behind is Taleban.
The same Taleban who has been claiming to be thrown out of this country for 20 years. But now it is the situation that he has taken the whole of Afghanistan under his control. Although this time the Taleban had promised that after coming to power, it would implement Islamic law in this country, women's rights would be respected, but in the last two years the picture has been opposite. Various restrictions and bans have been imposed that have ended women's participation in public life, such as conditions for attending educational institutions and offices. Just as America had claimed 20 years ago that it would free Afghanistan from terrorism, establish peace and stability there and pave the way for the Afghan people to lead a dignified life. But exactly the opposite happened. The presence of America has pushed this country further into darkness. America and its western allies are entirely responsible for the condition in which Afghanistan is today. The people of Afghanistan say that the truth which we knew that nothing is going to change in this country after the arrival of Taleban, only the name will change. The work that America was doing for 20 years, the same thing Taliban is doing for two years. Even before the capture of Kabul, the Taleban had established themselves in many rural areas of Afghanistan. In these areas, women and girls remain confined to their homes. On her part are the traditional roles of daughter, wife and mother. This situation is exactly the same as it was before between 1996 and 2001.
Even at that time, Afghan women and girls were not allowed to study or work. She could not leave the house without a man. Women who disobeyed Talebani orders were publicly flogged. There is no difference between the Taleban of the 1990s and today. He is just more alert and experienced than before. Since coming to power, they have imposed 51 bans affecting women. This means one ban every month. He didn't announce all these at once because he didn't want to scare people. Even in Afghanistan, they have to walk a little carefully so that they don't make the society their enemy before gaining power. Overall, no one can deny that direct US talks with the Taleban helped it gain international recognition. In his Doha office, he brokered the deal in which the US had shown false dreams of peace to the people of Afghanistan in collaboration with the Taleban. The same deal broke the morale of the Afghan army. The struggle to stop the Taliban's advance came to a complete standstill. At this time, the people of Afghanistan are feeling cheated. At the same time, the people of this country have started feeling that the world society has left them alone. Because instead of supporting the people of this country, America and its allies have seen their advantage in holding the hands of Taleban. America and western countries, which talk about women's rights, human rights and getting rid of radicalism, have come out as the biggest supporters of Taliban, known as the symbol of extremism at this time. (RZ)