After the military defeat, the West has now started an ideological war against the Muslims

After the military defeat, the West has now started an ideological war against the Muslims

Aug 6, 2023 - 19:43
After the military defeat, the West has now started an ideological war against the Muslims
After the military defeat, the West has now started an ideological war against the Muslims

The participants of the Educational and Research Conference of "Iraq al Qur'an" have emphasized that, after failure and military defeat in Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Lebanon, now the imperialist powers of the world have decided to start an ideological and cultural war against Muslims. The Educational and Research Conference of "Iraq al Qur'an" has been convened in Baghdad, Iraq after the Western powers decided to desecrate the Holy Qur'an and other sacred things of Muslims.

The conference has been convened by the Department of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Iraq and has been attended by university lecturers, researchers and important influential people in Iraq's various cadres and sectors. According to the AAA news organization, the participants of the conference have strongly condemned the crime of the enemies of Islam of desecrating the Holy Book of the Qur'an in the Western European countries of Sweden, Denmark and Germany and continuing the institutional conspiracy of the extremists, to face and Islam in Western countries as well as trying to prevent the spread of Islamic thinking and spiritual teachings of the glorious religion of God in the world community especially in Western countries.

Educational and Research Conference of "Iraq al Qur'an" in Baghdad In the conference, Sayyid Ali Akbar Ziaee, Head of the Center for Dialogue between Religions and Different Cultures of Iran, touched upon the verses and teachings of the Holy Qur'an regarding the obligation to protect religious honors and emphasized that, the act of the enemies of Islam is dishonorable The Holy Qur'an in Western countries is a clear evidence of the rudeness and lack of respect of those enemies. For his part, Sayyid Abu Ahmad al Jaabiri, a great Iraqi researcher and scholar, has used his speech at the conference to condemn the crimes of the enemies, stressing that the enemies of Islam cannot extinguish the light of the Qur'an.