Al Jazeera: The war in Gaza may be the beginning of a collapse, but not for the Palestinians

One of the famous commentators of Qatar's Al Jazeera television has said that, if we want to analyze the war in Gaza based on recent events, it is enough for us to look four days before the operation of #Hurricane_for_al-Aqsa and before HAMAS attacked the southern areas of the earth of Palestine occupied by the Zionists.

Nov 28, 2023 - 14:30
Nov 28, 2023 - 14:41
Al Jazeera: The war in Gaza may be the beginning of a collapse, but not for the Palestinians
Al Jazeera: The war in Gaza may be the beginning of a collapse, but not for the Palestinians

Marwan Bishara, the famous Al Jazeera television analyst of Qatar's political affairs, said in one part of his analysis of the war in Gaza that, four days before the #Typhoon_of_al-Aqsa operation, and when there was no information about the operation, The Zionist newspaper Haaretz wrote an editorial under the headline: "Israeli neo-fascism, which threatens Israel's existence." A month before that, 200 high school graduates also avoided taking military training saying clearly that, "we are not the same pot" with the fascist settlers who are currently controlling the Israeli government and we do not accept to be their slaves. Marwan Bishara Three months before that too, more than 20,000 army reserve officers of the Zionist regime resigned and fled the army as part of opposing the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. The fact is that the government of the prime minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, is run by fascists who do not care about the law or any human rights; not only against the Palestinians, but also against fellow Zionists who do not agree with their fascist politics and actions and that has made the Israeli government on the verge of collapse. According to the Al Jazeera analyst, the operation of #Turricane_of_al-Aqsa is the beginning of the disintegration of Israel and not the beginning of the weakening of resistance movements such as HAMAS and other movements fighting for the liberation of Palestinian lands embedded in the false name of Israel.